GET YOUR GOLF FIX. Fun golf at funtastic fates. Arlington Lakes Golf Club Beautiful 18-hole championship course. Fun and challenging for all shill levels. Great instruction options from PGA Pros. $39 WEEKDAY SPECIAL @ALGC Includes cart. Valid for 14 players. Valid gam-1pm M-F. Not valid for leagues, outings or with any other promotion. Expires 6/30/21. Arlington Lakes Valid only at Arlington Lakes Golf Club 1211 5. New Wilke Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 847-577-3030 Arlington Heights Park District Nickol Knoll Golf Club Play one of the best par 3 courses in all of Chicagoland. 2 FOR $22 @ NKGC Includes 9 holes walking for 2 players and a soft drink after your round. Valid any weekday, weekend and holiday after 4pm. Not valid for leagues, outings or with any other promotion. Expires 6/30/21. Valid only at Nickol Knoll Golf Club 3800 N. Kennicott Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 847-590-6050 Nickel Knoll Golf Club + Arlington Heights Park District GET YOUR GOLF FIX. Fun golf at funtastic fates. Arlington Lakes Golf Club Beautiful 18-hole championship course. Fun and challenging for all shill levels. Great instruction options from PGA Pros. $39 WEEKDAY SPECIAL @ALGC Includes cart. Valid for 14 players. Valid gam-1pm M-F. Not valid for leagues, outings or with any other promotion. Expires 6/30/21. Arlington Lakes Valid only at Arlington Lakes Golf Club 1211 5. New Wilke Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 847-577-3030 Arlington Heights Park District Nickol Knoll Golf Club Play one of the best par 3 courses in all of Chicagoland. 2 FOR $22 @ NKGC Includes 9 holes walking for 2 players and a soft drink after your round. Valid any weekday, weekend and holiday after 4pm. Not valid for leagues, outings or with any other promotion. Expires 6/30/21. Valid only at Nickol Knoll Golf Club 3800 N. Kennicott Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 847-590-6050 Nickel Knoll Golf Club + Arlington Heights Park District