ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Attention Older Adults and Their Families; Back By Request Saturday, March 23, 2019 Balance and Dizziness Workshop Reveals How to Improve Your balance, Get Rid of Dizziness, Prevent Falls and Maintain Your Independence. . Have you had a fall or near fall in the past year? Here at Progressive PT at 657 E. Golf Rd. Ste. 303, eHave you recently developed a fear of fallng, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 even though you have never fallen? falls? trouble keeping your balance? frightening? spinning when you lie down, tilt your head back Do you take precautions while walking to avoid Do you experience dizziness andlor have . Do you take smaller steps than you used to? Saturday, March 23, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. If you're confused about what to do and are looking for answers, here's some of what you'll learn: The Single Biggest #1 Mistake balance and . Has going downstairs recently becoming more dizziness sufferers make which actually stops them from improving Do you experience dizziness or sensation of tit your head back Determine if you are at risk of falling and identify the factors that put you at risk or roll over in bed? If you have answered YES to any of the above questions (or have a stubborn spouse who is in denial) -the Balance and Dizziness The 3 Most Common Causes of dizziness and balance problem... How your balance system work and what ay be a life changing (and possibly can affect your balance. lifesaving) event for you "I have been dizzy for a long time, I really didn't have much hope for success but to my surprise I What successful treatment and permanent How Do I Register for the Balance and register at 847-758-1100. When you register, we relief looks like. am so much better. I just couldn't be happier with my success Dizziness Workshop? Call Sandi at our office to Madie G. Thank you for correctly assessing my needs and will mail you The Balance and Dizziness for helping me to learn how to regain my strength, Worksheet which you will bring with you to the balance and confidence Hello Dizziness and Balance problem can completely s event...and this invitation will be delivered to ruin your life 've seen it many times. We only have 3Q (only 11 left) seats available for 9657 people in the Arlington Heights area. So if It can make you restrict your walking and ou would like to attend, be sure to register now.. Call 847-758-1100. standing activities It can take your focus away on enjoying your life... like spending time with your children or grandchildren How Much Is It to Attend? Nothing.. the event is FREE! As a Special Bonus the first 11 people to ca signed copy of my book, Fall Prevention" All 30 attendees for the Balance and Dizziness It can make you less independent and more and register for the event will receive a personally reliant on family members... It can ruin your travel plans... /And it can take away your ability to live lorkshop will receive a Special Report: having to rely on others Dizziness and Disequilibrium". Looking forward to seeing you there And less movement and less enjoyment of life can lead to depression, increased stress and a sedentary lifestyle (mostly sitting... not movng Dizziness and Balance Specialist at much) which leads to bigger healthProgressive Physical therapy Mohamed Sanad, PT Omar Hussien, DPT and life problems. Here the Balance and Dizziness Specialists at PS- The first 11 People to call and register at Progressive PT, we've helped hundreds of people 847-758-1100 will receive a from right here in Arlington Heights... and the rest of of Cook County... who have suffered needlessly PPS -This event is limited to the first 30 people with balance, falling and's our specialty So by request, I'm hosting a Balance and Dizziness Workshop Personalized Co Fall Prevention" guest at no additional cost (we do this because other family member),