" CAN I GET ACCESS TO THE BEST CANCER CARE CLOSE TO HOME?" NEVER WONDER. Screenings can detect cancer at an early stage and provide a greater chance for treatment success. And if you are faced with a diagnosis, where you receive your care is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. As a national leader in whole-person care, AdventHealth in the western suburbs offers connections to the renowned cancer care experts at UChicagoMedicine. Find a dedicated partner for your individual cancer journey just down the road. To schedule a cancer screening go to ChicagolandCancerCare.com. UChicago Medicine Advent Health BOLINGBROOK GLENOAKS HINSDALE LA GRANGE " CAN I GET ACCESS TO THE BEST CANCER CARE CLOSE TO HOME ? " NEVER WONDER . Screenings can detect cancer at an early stage and provide a greater chance for treatment success . And if you are faced with a diagnosis , where you receive your care is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make . As a national leader in whole - person care , AdventHealth in the western suburbs offers connections to the renowned cancer care experts at UChicagoMedicine . Find a dedicated partner for your individual cancer journey just down the road . To schedule a cancer screening go to ChicagolandCancerCare.com . UChicago Medicine Advent Health BOLINGBROOK GLENOAKS HINSDALE LA GRANGE