SALON ANOVIN NAIL SPA & BEAUTY BAR Thank You for voting us Best Hair Salon and Best Stylist! Hair Salon | Nail Salon | Carpentersville = 176 S. Western Avenue (Rt 31) Carpentersville, IL 60110 $15 off $50 Salon Services Must present this ad for special offer. Expires 9/30/21 en Cr Certiled uyile 847.428.4848 *2021+ Recbns Choice TOP PICK SALON ANOVIN NAIL SPA & BEAUTY BAR Thank You for voting us Best Hair Salon and Best Stylist! Hair Salon | Nail Salon | Carpentersville = 176 S. Western Avenue (Rt 31) Carpentersville, IL 60110 $15 off $50 Salon Services Must present this ad for special offer. Expires 9/30/21 en Cr Certiled uyile 847.428.4848 *2021+ Recbns Choice TOP PICK