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    May 31, 2018
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Buying a home? Save up to $500 with a closing cost credit from CIBC. Speak with a Mortgage Banker for details. 877 448-6500 SOLD CIBC The Cosing Cost Credas availble for new purthase or refinance first mortgage loars inclading constnaction mortgages and reverse mortgages Borowers ust subnvt a completed application by ne 30 2018 to be elgble The masimum amount of the credit is 5500 and imay be appled sa closing costs listed on the Clsing Disosure. The amourt of she credst muy not exceed rotal cloingcand chind party oedits The credit cannot be combined with oeher affers Sudject to credn approval Ofer sbject t any me without notice. Other restrictions may appy to change at ABloons 110eet 50 erede approval Products and services artomeredbydec Bank USA The 00Clogo isaregstered tradesrk of CEC, used under hceme c 20 ciac Bank USA