GET BACK TO A healthy you AT LEE MANOR! LEE MANOR post hospital rehabilitation + long term care With our brand new look and renovations underway, Lee Manor proudly offers the same great care and excellent amenities that Des Plaines has come to know since 1979. With dedicated clinical programming and oversight by the area's top physicians, our patients in need of post hospital rehabilitation will get back to the healthiest version of themselves and back home quickly. Follow our renovation progress on facebook at 1301 Lee St. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018|847-635-4000| GET BACK TO A healthy you AT LEE MANOR! LEE MANOR post hospital rehabilitation + long term care With our brand new look and renovations underway, Lee Manor proudly offers the same great care and excellent amenities that Des Plaines has come to know since 1979. With dedicated clinical programming and oversight by the area's top physicians, our patients in need of post hospital rehabilitation will get back to the healthiest version of themselves and back home quickly. Follow our renovation progress on facebook at 1301 Lee St. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018|847-635-4000|