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Our quality Professionals offer proven and effective treatment for Nerve Pain management, Neuropathy. Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC, is board certified in peripheral neuropathy and also is a health expert, inventor and lecturer. He has developed a Neuropathy Treatment Program that doesn't involve drugs or surgery. This program has successfully treated over 5,000 cases throughout the last 30 years. As a health and wellness expert dealing in peripheral neuropathy, and the beneficial effects on the nerves, he has reduced pain and improved the function and quality of life for his patients. He is also a chiropractor and has been treating clients and patients since 1983 in the Chicago land area and from around the world. He is a member of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals with the purpose of bringing prevention and wellness lifestyle programs to the community. He is a member of Who's Who of American Inventors, as well as the National Institutue of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Electromedical Research Academy. Dr. Horn holds a patent for the invention of the Venipuncture Device. Dr. Horn and his staff are dedicated to helping improve the health of others through nutritional treatment, education, evaluating, listening and mentoring.

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