
"Philoptochos is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We are an army of women, over 25,000 strong nationally, who work to alleviate the suffering of individuals and families across our country and across the globe. Whether it is paying a medical bill to assist a family with a critically ill child, paying rent or a mortgage so that a family can remain in their home, or sending fresh water to victims of a national disaster, Philoptochos is always there to help." Philoptochos is the official Ladies Philanthropic Organization of the Saint Sophia community. The word Philoptochos itself means "Friend of the Poor" and the purpose of the Philoptochos is to aid the poor, the sick, the distressed and other victims of misfortune. This organization is open to women over the age of 18. Meetings are usually held on the first Monday at 7:00 pm of each month.

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