Elgin is a City of Choice Find 10 great reasons why at cityofelgin.org/cityofchoice. Elgin is truly a City of Choice. It's a unique community that proudly distinguishes itself from the rest of the metropolitan area. It's happening here. Businesses and workers are thriving. Its approachable, progressive identity is anchored in its resilient history and strong, diverse community that continues to embody a desire for an even brighter future. The community's 180-year history is dotted with challenges, growth and innovation that has emboldened Elgin to become unapologetically itself. There's something for everyone. Partner organizations across Elgin have teamed up to showcase what makes Elgin so special. Follow the City of Choice campaign to discover why so many proudly choose Elgin to live, learn, work, play and visit. Our downtown is irresistible. Search hashtags #CityofChoice #ExploreElgin on social media for the latest posts, and join our positive movement by sharing why YOU choose Elgin. Location, location, location Elgin is a City of Choice Find 10 great reasons why at cityofelgin.org/cityofchoice. Elgin is truly a City of Choice. It's a unique community that proudly distinguishes itself from the rest of the metropolitan area. It's happening here. Businesses and workers are thriving. Its approachable, progressive identity is anchored in its resilient history and strong, diverse community that continues to embody a desire for an even brighter future. The community's 180-year history is dotted with challenges, growth and innovation that has emboldened Elgin to become unapologetically itself. There's something for everyone. Partner organizations across Elgin have teamed up to showcase what makes Elgin so special. Follow the City of Choice campaign to discover why so many proudly choose Elgin to live, learn, work, play and visit. Our downtown is irresistible. Search hashtags #CityofChoice #ExploreElgin on social media for the latest posts, and join our positive movement by sharing why YOU choose Elgin. Location, location, location