CONVERSATIONS JUDSON UNIVERSITY WORLD LEADERS FORUM WITH MARK VARGAS SERIES GUEST TERRENCE HOWARD FRIDAY, JULY 9 Golden Globe and Academy Award nominated Actor, Musician, and Entrepreneur The World Leaders Forum Conversations series features Alumnus Mark Vargas '04 as he invites some of the most recognizable names in business and politics. ALUMNUS MARK VARGAS '04 TICKETS: JUDSONU.EDU/WLFCONVERSATIONS CONVERSATIONS JUDSON UNIVERSITY WORLD LEADERS FORUM WITH MARK VARGAS SERIES GUEST TERRENCE HOWARD FRIDAY, JULY 9 Golden Globe and Academy Award nominated Actor, Musician, and Entrepreneur The World Leaders Forum Conversations series features Alumnus Mark Vargas '04 as he invites some of the most recognizable names in business and politics. ALUMNUS MARK VARGAS '04 TICKETS: JUDSONU.EDU/WLFCONVERSATIONS