WHY CAMP MANITOQUA? GROWTH In faith by learning about who Jesus is, and having daily Bible time DAY CAMP Grades 1-8 June 9th To August 15Th FRESH AIR Get outside and enjoy the beautiful outdoors REZ (OVERNIGHT) CAMP Grades 2-9 June 9th To August 1st SAMS OVERNIGHT Grades 10-13 June 9th to August 8th Camp ManitoQua & RETREAT CENTER God's Spirit Changing Lives FRIENDSHIP Make new friends and create new bonds XXPERIENCE Enjoy exciting games, challenges, and activities Get in on the best experience the summer has to offer! Learn all about what we have to offer and join the fun at MANITOQUA.ORG TOWN CENTER BANK WHY CAMP MANITOQUA ? GROWTH In faith by learning about who Jesus is , and having daily Bible time DAY CAMP Grades 1-8 June 9th To August 15Th FRESH AIR Get outside and enjoy the beautiful outdoors REZ ( OVERNIGHT ) CAMP Grades 2-9 June 9th To August 1st SAMS OVERNIGHT Grades 10-13 June 9th to August 8th Camp ManitoQua & RETREAT CENTER God's Spirit Changing Lives FRIENDSHIP Make new friends and create new bonds XXPERIENCE Enjoy exciting games , challenges , and activities Get in on the best experience the summer has to offer ! Learn all about what we have to offer and join the fun at MANITOQUA.ORG TOWN CENTER BANK