Paid Political Advertisement Chad Koppie For Illinois 8th Congressional District Key issues for me and the people in this district. Getting inflation under control and becoming energy independent again, as well as abolishing the federal reserve. Pro-Life (if you are pro-life pull a Republican ballot & vote for me) Pro-2nd Amendment Pro Securing the Border Anti Government Spending Anti Lockdowns Anti Government Red Tape Let's Go Brandon! Paid for by Chad Koppie. Paid Political Advertisement Chad Koppie For Illinois 8th Congressional District Key issues for me and the people in this district . Getting inflation under control and becoming energy independent again , as well as abolishing the federal reserve . Pro - Life ( if you are pro - life pull a Republican ballot & vote for me ) Pro - 2nd Amendment Pro Securing the Border Anti Government Spending Anti Lockdowns Anti Government Red Tape Let's Go Brandon ! Paid for by Chad Koppie .