Know where to go in an emergency. Your family's health is your top priority. It's ours, too. If you or a loved one are injured or experiencing trouble breathing, concussion symptoms or severe stomach discomfort, don't hesitate. If you're in doubt, come in. Always remember, your emergency is our emergency. You'll find expert, pediatric-friendly emergency physicians at the AdventHealth GlenOaks ER standing by to help you. A LEAPFROG HOSPITAL SAFETY GRADE 4 locations in the western suburbs. To find the ER nearest you, visit Every minute matters. 701 Winthrop Avenue | Glendale Heights, IL 60139 Advent Health GlenOaks Know where to go in an emergency . Your family's health is your top priority . It's ours , too . If you or a loved one are injured or experiencing trouble breathing , concussion symptoms or severe stomach discomfort , don't hesitate . If you're in doubt , come in . Always remember , your emergency is our emergency . You'll find expert , pediatric - friendly emergency physicians at the AdventHealth GlenOaks ER standing by to help you . A LEAPFROG HOSPITAL SAFETY GRADE 4 locations in the western suburbs . To find the ER nearest you , visit Every minute matters . 701 Winthrop Avenue | Glendale Heights , IL 60139 Advent Health GlenOaks