Now playing thru The March 29! PRESENTING A BRAND NEW POP-UP Magic School Bus TM Lost in the Solar System A THEMED CULINARY ADVENTURE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS. LIMITED TIME ONLY! JOSEPH'S DREAM GRILL RESTAURANT Brought to you by THREE EMBERS RESTAURANT (847) 634-0200 Marriott marriott-for-YOUNG LENCES THEATRE NOW OPEN THRU MARCH 29 TUESDAY-SATURDAY, 4-9 PM M MARRIOTT RESORT LINCOLNSHIRE 50th Scan here or call (847) 634-0100 for more info & to make your reservations today! ANNIVERSARY Now playing thru The March 29 ! PRESENTING A BRAND NEW POP - UP Magic School Bus TM Lost in the Solar System A THEMED CULINARY ADVENTURE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS . LIMITED TIME ONLY ! JOSEPH'S DREAM GRILL RESTAURANT Brought to you by THREE EMBERS RESTAURANT ( 847 ) 634-0200 Marriott marriott - for - YOUNG LENCES THEATRE NOW OPEN THRU MARCH 29 TUESDAY - SATURDAY , 4-9 PM M MARRIOTT RESORT LINCOLNSHIRE 50th Scan here or call ( 847 ) 634-0100 for more info & to make your reservations today ! ANNIVERSARY