. TELL YOUR STORY! CELEW NAPER 2023 . BRATEL VILLE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2023 1-4 PM ACTIVITIES AND ATTRACTIONS INCLUDE: Speakers from The People Tree telling stories around the theme of "harvest." Celebrate Naperville showcases the city's vibrant residents in conjunction with a look at how food and harvest shape our cultures and communities. Listen to live story telling around a multicultural theme that celebrates Naperville's residential diversity. Touch-a-Tractor - tractors provided by West Side Tractor Sales Company Maggie the Milking Cow from Kline Creek Farm (please note: Maggie is not a real cow) Speaker talking about paw paw trees. NAPER SETTLEMENT 523 S. Webster St. Naperville, IL NaperSettlement.org/Calendar INCLUDED IN GENERAL ADMISSION For more information, and to register, please visit: . TELL YOUR STORY ! CELEW NAPER 2023 . BRATEL VILLE SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 2023 1-4 PM ACTIVITIES AND ATTRACTIONS INCLUDE : Speakers from The People Tree telling stories around the theme of " harvest . " Celebrate Naperville showcases the city's vibrant residents in conjunction with a look at how food and harvest shape our cultures and communities . Listen to live story telling around a multicultural theme that celebrates Naperville's residential diversity . Touch - a - Tractor - tractors provided by West Side Tractor Sales Company Maggie the Milking Cow from Kline Creek Farm ( please note : Maggie is not a real cow ) Speaker talking about paw paw trees . NAPER SETTLEMENT 523 S. Webster St. Naperville , IL NaperSettlement.org/Calendar INCLUDED IN GENERAL ADMISSION For more information , and to register , please visit :