elf The Musical COMING SOON TO DRURY LANE Don't be a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins! Inspire the holiday spirit with the help of one of Santa's very own, and remember what it feels like to believe. NOV 9, 2022- JAN 8, 2023 Built from Scratch. Built in Oakbrook. Built for You. Music by Matthew S paly Chad Beguelin Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin Besed upon the New Line Cinema filmitten by David Be DRURY LANE THEATRE FOR TICKETS VISIT DRURYLANETHEATRE.COM OR CALL (630) 530-0111 elf The Musical COMING SOON TO DRURY LANE Don't be a cotton - headed - ninny - muggins ! Inspire the holiday spirit with the help of one of Santa's very own , and remember what it feels like to believe . NOV 9 , 2022 JAN 8 , 2023 Built from Scratch . Built in Oakbrook . Built for You . Music by Matthew S paly Chad Beguelin Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin Besed upon the New Line Cinema filmitten by David Be DRURY LANE THEATRE FOR TICKETS VISIT DRURYLANETHEATRE.COM OR CALL ( 630 ) 530-0111