BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! "Piano Battle has the elegance of classic music, the excitement of rock, and the energy of hip-hop." - Newsis, South Korea PIANO BATTLE FRIDAY, APRIL 4 7:30 PM World-class pianists Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis present their newest show, TIME IS LIMITED. You decide who wins when the two virtuosos face off in this wildly entertaining twist on a traditional piano recital! Tickets: $45 - $55 AL LARSON PRAIRIE CENTER FOR THE ARTS 201 Schaumburg Ct. in Schaumburg VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG PRAIRIECENTER.ORG 847/895-3600 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ! " Piano Battle has the elegance of classic music , the excitement of rock , and the energy of hip - hop . " - Newsis , South Korea PIANO BATTLE FRIDAY , APRIL 4 7:30 PM World - class pianists Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis present their newest show , TIME IS LIMITED . You decide who wins when the two virtuosos face off in this wildly entertaining twist on a traditional piano recital ! Tickets : $ 45 - $ 55 AL LARSON PRAIRIE CENTER FOR THE ARTS 201 Schaumburg Ct . in Schaumburg VILLAGE OF SCHAUMBURG PRAIRIECENTER.ORG 847 / 895-3600