From same day appointments to weekend hou Healthcare for what's next From regular checkups to unexpected illnesses, when you need medical care, you want it right away. NorthShore Medical Group offices are right in your neighborhood, offering exceptional care and simple convenience. Gurnee Medical Group Offices 15 Tower Court, Suite 300 (847) 733-5707 Family Medicine, OB/GYN Specialty Services Expert, supportive primary care physicians Walk-in availability, early morning, evening and weekend hours Access to a network of hospitals and leading specialists Easy appointment scheduling on your smartphone, tablet or computer 731 S. IL Route 21, Suite 130 (847) 566-3337 Internal Medicine Schedule an appointment today. We're here in the neighborhood. 6475 Washington Street, Suite 103 (847) 367-5400 Pediatrics Ambulatory Care Center tNorthShore 7900 Rolins Road, Suite 1100 (847) 733-5707 Family Medicine, OB/GYN, University ealthSystem Medical Group Specialty Services Immediate Care Open seven days a week