elite Work Hard, Believe In Yourself, and Dream Big!! 614 Randall Road South Elgin, IL 60177 ele dit. det lite (47) 488-1239 Visit us on the web at www.elitedancese.com or Like us on Facebook Offering classes in Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Tap, Musical Theatre, & more. Competition Team & Performing Company opportunities also available. Check our website for up to date class offerings! Thank you for voting us #1 Dance Studio! We are proud to be a 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, & 2020 Readers Choice Winner! Buly ferad 2015 Dalb lesald 2019 Bally ierald 2020 Dulylerald luly Heall 2016 * Radenrs Choice 2017 * Rardens Choice TOP PIOK Pacebors Choice Rerbens Choice Raaders Chorce TOP PICK TOP PICK TOP PICK TOP PICK elite Work Hard, Believe In Yourself, and Dream Big!! 614 Randall Road South Elgin, IL 60177 ele dit. det lite (47) 488-1239 Visit us on the web at www.elitedancese.com or Like us on Facebook Offering classes in Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Tap, Musical Theatre, & more. Competition Team & Performing Company opportunities also available. Check our website for up to date class offerings! Thank you for voting us #1 Dance Studio! We are proud to be a 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, & 2020 Readers Choice Winner! Buly ferad 2015 Dalb lesald 2019 Bally ierald 2020 Dulylerald luly Heall 2016 * Radenrs Choice 2017 * Rardens Choice TOP PIOK Pacebors Choice Rerbens Choice Raaders Chorce TOP PICK TOP PICK TOP PICK TOP PICK