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    October 21, 2020
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To the Electors of the Sute of linois: The linois Contitation establishes a strcture for government and laws, There are thece ways to initiate change to the llinois Comtitution: (1) a constitutional convention may propose changes to any part; (2) the General Assembly may propone changes to any part; or (a petition initiative may propose amendments limited to stroctural and procodural subjecti cotained in the Legilative Article. The people of Ilinois mast approve any changes to the Comtinution before they become effective. The purpose of this document is o inform you of peoposed changes o the lincis Constitution and provide you witha brief explanation and a sammary of the arganments in favor of and in opposition lo the proposed amendment. Propesed changes in the existing consitational amendment ate indicatod by underscoring all new matter and by cronoing with a line allmaner which is to be deletod. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 OF ARTICLE IX OF THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IX -RENENUE SECTION 3.LIMTATIONS ON INCOME TAXATION The General Asembl shall pronie by l for he te or te ofa tas.onormcaod by income iposed by e Sune-Aanonormeed byinemeshall betegratediteanynetime there may bemethan meanpenelye Ste foe Sepenesmindiviialenetasimpenedenepetiom. In any sadh tax imposed upon corporatios the bighest rate shall sot esceol the highest rte imponed on individals by more than a neio ofso S. bi Laws inposing taves on or measuted by income may adepe by rederence povisions of the laws and regslations of the United Sates, as they then exist or thereafter may be changed, for the purpose of arriving the amot of upon which the tas is impoed. income EXPLANATION The proposed amendment grants the Sute authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. The amendment would move the portion of the Revenae Article of the liliaois Condintion dat is sometimes refernod to as the "tat tax, "that roguines al unes on income to be at de same rate. The amendmcat does not itnelf change tax rate. pives the Sute the ablity ao impone higher tax rates on thone with higher income levels and kower tat rates on thone with midle or kower income leves. You ane anked ko decide whether the proposed amendment should bocome a part of the lincis Constitaion. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSEDAMENDMENT linois' curent tax system unfairly benelit millionaires and bilionaires and thin amendnent will set things right for middle-clas and working people. Corrently, it is unfair that bilionuires pay the same tax rate as regular people. Voting "yo" on the amendment meate that the Sate will enact a new tan strucdune where only those making above $250000 a year will see theie tases go up. This amendment is simply sperading lincis' ekd us syston to a gradaitod yatem which in how the federal goverment and the majority of other ates do This Anendnnt Wisd Make liis Ta Salem Eair. Approval of this amendner would ensct a fir system that alkows the state ko tax wealtby people at higher rates anl lower income pople at konwer eates. replacing Ilioir cment unfir tax system, in wtich wealdy peogle pay the et e tax li oevenyone. regardles of bow much money they make. If his amendment paser, the State will have the abiliey o tax higher income canen aa difevent rate. ls fact, upon passage of this Amendmon. a new tas structure will go imo ined A lin incis. kamong a minority of states that do not utiliae gradated tax rates became the Ilinoin Constitution requieen a "dat tan" that penalires middie-clan and working prople and beneits higher income individals. A majority of staten and the foderal povermment alrcady une the kind of graduated income tax system proposod in this amendment to emure that wealthy poople pay their fair share of tanen Ne ututes indaline loa. Minncta. Mionceri. Obia and Wncoin are among the majority of stales that have gradated ta yste. linsis Consnt Income Ta Sytem Relics.on Taes from Mislk and Lomer facome Eacnen, WhileaCdutol Salem WiskLoest that Burdenand End Critical Programa shas Edcationand Haman Senics While some states have fair las rates in which the highest income carners pay the highest tan rate. Ilinci "dat tax rate coentinues tosely ntairly on tanes from midlie and kower income carnen. Under linoi "fat tan" structure, a mune making So00 per year pays the same tas rate an an esocutive making S4 million per year. A gradaated tan rate woold have the esecutive pay mote. Becne of the way our current tax vystem is set up, the bonom ah of llincis tanpayens (those making bekow S21.00) conribune 144% of their income to stute and kocal tases, compured to 74E or dhe opi peroent of lincis this Amendment passes, the State has alrealy encted a new praduted tax saare where 97 of taxpayers will pay the same or les. Under the new tax stracture, only the top 3% of linois income euners would pay more in income tases. Everyone who makes S250000 or less a year would pay the same or les. Over 95% of small hesinesses en S5000 or less a yer in peolins, and their owners will ot see a tax increane under the new ux Mrusture This change will penerate addknal revee esch year that can help addres lincie budger detikit and fuad critikal programs, inlading the Sune's educarion systom, public salery, and social services like mental healti and sbtance M VOZ I e l ealr N m T S400 00a yea. Having wealty people pay more woeld nedace the bunden on working famils. This is money that midle and kower income people need for houning. grocerios, modicine, and esentials. When the wealthiest people pay more, mideie and lower income camers can pay lesa while the State funds critical services that oer evential worker nely on. ARGUMENTSAGAINST THE PROPOSEDAMENDMENT 1) The Amendment gives the Leginlature power to increae tanes on any proup of taspuyen with no limits and no accountability and without any roquinement to une the additional orvene to fand euential needh sach as bealibcare, cdacation, or public salety. » Tases and spending ae ot of control. The Legislature shold net be allowed to keep raising tanes until dhey get their spending under conl. 3) The d u Rr tat laacoability and withost ans.cequirementnhealitional.o.fnd.coctialnooh sochashealihcae. sation.o safe. The proposod amendnene woukd pive the Legihlature unlimited new authority o increase income tas rees on any group of taspuyen a wil, including kowinoome and mikle-income tanilies and sall basines owners, There would he no lim cehe umber of t Nathing in the amendnent eguires he Legisla rof tax brackets that oosld be crened and no limit on how high tax rates coukd be increased on individual tapayens. la addtion, this proponed change will pave the way for a ta on retirement income. to do anything to control spending. Nor does it roguie funds so be spet on esental needi soch an healthca, edocation, or pablik sadety, It woeld simply give the Lepilatore a blank Tue tioof dlan hoer tey wa winc lin ready Even belorehe Oan ghent property tanesa Mate spending intad of Bece they etene to ontrd aneo lahe ake of the COVID.19 pandemik.on in the woet posibe time fora msinesas incrcane. The COVID-19 pundemic camed layoffs, anemployment, banknapicies, and ckoare. As small bunineses and local employen struggle to rebuild, his in the wont ponible time to impone huge new tan increaves. Even before the COVID-19 erion, many residests and businesses were kaving the state becase of the high tan bunden. If the Amendnent passer, it woukd be tbe last strow for theuands of emall busineses, cning moe jobn to kave the sate, and making linois kone out on investments to rebuild our cconomy. This would mean fewer jobs and len opportunity for linois families. y has some of the 19 Ispending or pas major FORM OF BALLOT Phspnol Amendeattahe 1920 linsis Constindice The proposed amendment grants the Sune auhoriny impose higher income tax rates os higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majovity of oher states do it. The amendmest woukd ronove the portion of the Revene Article of the linois Conintion that is sometimes referred to s the "Mat tan." that soquires all tanes on income to be a the same rne. The anendment does not itelf change tax rates. k gives the Sute the aity o impose higher tax rates on those with higher incone levels and lower income tax raes on thone with midde or kower income levels. You are ankad to decide wteter the proposed amendment should becoome a pant of the Ilinois Constitution. For the propened amendment of De to COVID-19, all 200 General lilestion soters ae encouraged to cat a hulket priser to liketioe Day, cisher by mail or during carly veting. Voting by mail in an cany YES Section 3 of Article IX of the option for voter and you can mqesta vote by mail ballet through email, mail, or in penon. An applikation in available from your kocal election authority or at: httpeal Minois Constitutioe NO clectiom.goviekectionperation NotingyMail aga. To register to vote or check your repieration statan, visie htpaslinakestiomilas. CAPITOL BUILDING SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 1. lesse Whie, Secrertary f he Sute of linis, do hereby certifs that ahe fovrgoing isa tre copyf she Prpised Amendment, ahe Eylanatien ef the Propoand Amendment, Argaments in Faver ef the Amendment and Argaments Aguinst he Amendment and ae copy of the Formef aller for this call as the regudarly schedaled general election on Taciday, Nevemher 3, 2030, as set forih in compliiner with the ineis Comatintiemal Amendment Aet. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I herounto set my band and allis the Gecat Scal of the Sae of flinis, Done in dhe City of Springlield. thin fint day of June. 200 Thin voter informatios muterial is available in written forut in Englieh, Chinese. Hind. Polid. Spunish, and Braille. Ihis alo available in aadio format in Englia. For mone indormution, visit or write the Secretary of State's office at I Eant Monroe Stret, Springtiekd, IL. 62756 Buse Nite To the Electors of the Sute of linois: The linois Contitation establishes a strcture for government and laws, There are thece ways to initiate change to the llinois Comtitution: (1) a constitutional convention may propose changes to any part; (2) the General Assembly may propone changes to any part; or (a petition initiative may propose amendments limited to stroctural and procodural subjecti cotained in the Legilative Article. The people of Ilinois mast approve any changes to the Comtinution before they become effective. The purpose of this document is o inform you of peoposed changes o the lincis Constitution and provide you witha brief explanation and a sammary of the arganments in favor of and in opposition lo the proposed amendment. Propesed changes in the existing consitational amendment ate indicatod by underscoring all new matter and by cronoing with a line allmaner which is to be deletod. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 OF ARTICLE IX OF THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IX -RENENUE SECTION 3.LIMTATIONS ON INCOME TAXATION The General Asembl shall pronie by l for he te or te ofa tas.onormcaod by income iposed by e Sune-Aanonormeed byinemeshall betegratediteanynetime there may bemethan meanpenelye Ste foe Sepenesmindiviialenetasimpenedenepetiom. In any sadh tax imposed upon corporatios the bighest rate shall sot esceol the highest rte imponed on individals by more than a neio ofso S. bi Laws inposing taves on or measuted by income may adepe by rederence povisions of the laws and regslations of the United Sates, as they then exist or thereafter may be changed, for the purpose of arriving the amot of upon which the tas is impoed. income EXPLANATION The proposed amendment grants the Sute authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. The amendment would move the portion of the Revenae Article of the liliaois Condintion dat is sometimes refernod to as the "tat tax, "that roguines al unes on income to be at de same rate. The amendmcat does not itnelf change tax rate. pives the Sute the ablity ao impone higher tax rates on thone with higher income levels and kower tat rates on thone with midle or kower income leves. You ane anked ko decide whether the proposed amendment should bocome a part of the lincis Constitaion. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSEDAMENDMENT linois' curent tax system unfairly benelit millionaires and bilionaires and thin amendnent will set things right for middle-clas and working people. Corrently, it is unfair that bilionuires pay the same tax rate as regular people. Voting "yo" on the amendment meate that the Sate will enact a new tan strucdune where only those making above $250000 a year will see theie tases go up. This amendment is simply sperading lincis' ekd us syston to a gradaitod yatem which in how the federal goverment and the majority of other ates do This Anendnnt Wisd Make liis Ta Salem Eair. Approval of this amendner would ensct a fir system that alkows the state ko tax wealtby people at higher rates anl lower income pople at konwer eates. replacing Ilioir cment unfir tax system, in wtich wealdy peogle pay the et e tax li oevenyone. regardles of bow much money they make. If his amendment paser, the State will have the abiliey o tax higher income canen aa difevent rate. ls fact, upon passage of this Amendmon. a new tas structure will go imo ined A lin incis. kamong a minority of states that do not utiliae gradated tax rates became the Ilinoin Constitution requieen a "dat tan" that penalires middie-clan and working prople and beneits higher income individals. A majority of staten and the foderal povermment alrcady une the kind of graduated income tax system proposod in this amendment to emure that wealthy poople pay their fair share of tanen Ne ututes indaline loa. Minncta. Mionceri. Obia and Wncoin are among the majority of stales that have gradated ta yste. linsis Consnt Income Ta Sytem Relics.on Taes from Mislk and Lomer facome Eacnen, WhileaCdutol Salem WiskLoest that Burdenand End Critical Programa shas Edcationand Haman Senics While some states have fair las rates in which the highest income carners pay the highest tan rate. Ilinci "dat tax rate coentinues tosely ntairly on tanes from midlie and kower income carnen. Under linoi "fat tan" structure, a mune making So00 per year pays the same tas rate an an esocutive making S4 million per year. A gradaated tan rate woold have the esecutive pay mote. Becne of the way our current tax vystem is set up, the bonom ah of llincis tanpayens (those making bekow S21.00) conribune 144% of their income to stute and kocal tases, compured to 74E or dhe opi peroent of lincis this Amendment passes, the State has alrealy encted a new praduted tax saare where 97 of taxpayers will pay the same or les. Under the new tax stracture, only the top 3% of linois income euners would pay more in income tases. Everyone who makes S250000 or less a year would pay the same or les. Over 95% of small hesinesses en S5000 or less a yer in peolins, and their owners will ot see a tax increane under the new ux Mrusture This change will penerate addknal revee esch year that can help addres lincie budger detikit and fuad critikal programs, inlading the Sune's educarion systom, public salery, and social services like mental healti and sbtance M VOZ I e l ealr N m T S400 00a yea. Having wealty people pay more woeld nedace the bunden on working famils. This is money that midle and kower income people need for houning. grocerios, modicine, and esentials. When the wealthiest people pay more, mideie and lower income camers can pay lesa while the State funds critical services that oer evential worker nely on. ARGUMENTSAGAINST THE PROPOSEDAMENDMENT 1) The Amendment gives the Leginlature power to increae tanes on any proup of taspuyen with no limits and no accountability and without any roquinement to une the additional orvene to fand euential needh sach as bealibcare, cdacation, or public salety. » Tases and spending ae ot of control. The Legislature shold net be allowed to keep raising tanes until dhey get their spending under conl. 3) The d u Rr tat laacoability and withost ans.cequirementnhealitional.o.fnd.coctialnooh sochashealihcae. sation.o safe. The proposod amendnene woukd pive the Legihlature unlimited new authority o increase income tas rees on any group of taspuyen a wil, including kowinoome and mikle-income tanilies and sall basines owners, There would he no lim cehe umber of t Nathing in the amendnent eguires he Legisla rof tax brackets that oosld be crened and no limit on how high tax rates coukd be increased on individual tapayens. la addtion, this proponed change will pave the way for a ta on retirement income. to do anything to control spending. Nor does it roguie funds so be spet on esental needi soch an healthca, edocation, or pablik sadety, It woeld simply give the Lepilatore a blank Tue tioof dlan hoer tey wa winc lin ready Even belorehe Oan ghent property tanesa Mate spending intad of Bece they etene to ontrd aneo lahe ake of the COVID.19 pandemik.on in the woet posibe time fora msinesas incrcane. The COVID-19 pundemic camed layoffs, anemployment, banknapicies, and ckoare. As small bunineses and local employen struggle to rebuild, his in the wont ponible time to impone huge new tan increaves. Even before the COVID-19 erion, many residests and businesses were kaving the state becase of the high tan bunden. If the Amendnent passer, it woukd be tbe last strow for theuands of emall busineses, cning moe jobn to kave the sate, and making linois kone out on investments to rebuild our cconomy. This would mean fewer jobs and len opportunity for linois families. y has some of the 19 Ispending or pas major FORM OF BALLOT Phspnol Amendeattahe 1920 linsis Constindice The proposed amendment grants the Sune auhoriny impose higher income tax rates os higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majovity of oher states do it. The amendmest woukd ronove the portion of the Revene Article of the linois Conintion that is sometimes referred to s the "Mat tan." that soquires all tanes on income to be a the same rne. The anendment does not itelf change tax rates. k gives the Sute the aity o impose higher tax rates on those with higher incone levels and lower income tax raes on thone with midde or kower income levels. You are ankad to decide wteter the proposed amendment should becoome a pant of the Ilinois Constitution. For the propened amendment of De to COVID-19, all 200 General lilestion soters ae encouraged to cat a hulket priser to liketioe Day, cisher by mail or during carly veting. Voting by mail in an cany YES Section 3 of Article IX of the option for voter and you can mqesta vote by mail ballet through email, mail, or in penon. An applikation in available from your kocal election authority or at: httpeal Minois Constitutioe NO clectiom.goviekectionperation NotingyMail aga. To register to vote or check your repieration statan, visie htpaslinakestiomilas. CAPITOL BUILDING SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 1. lesse Whie, Secrertary f he Sute of linis, do hereby certifs that ahe fovrgoing isa tre copyf she Prpised Amendment, ahe Eylanatien ef the Propoand Amendment, Argaments in Faver ef the Amendment and Argaments Aguinst he Amendment and ae copy of the Formef aller for this call as the regudarly schedaled general election on Taciday, Nevemher 3, 2030, as set forih in compliiner with the ineis Comatintiemal Amendment Aet. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I herounto set my band and allis the Gecat Scal of the Sae of flinis, Done in dhe City of Springlield. thin fint day of June. 200 Thin voter informatios muterial is available in written forut in Englieh, Chinese. Hind. Polid. Spunish, and Braille. Ihis alo available in aadio format in Englia. For mone indormution, visit or write the Secretary of State's office at I Eant Monroe Stret, Springtiekd, IL. 62756 Buse Nite