ART ON Warrenville THE PARK DISTRICT PLAY LEARN EXPLORE Saturday, September 17 - 10A-6P Sunday, September 18-10A-4P 2:00P 2:30-3:30P 4:00-6:00P NEW LOCATION! Warrenville Park District Recreation Center Parking Lot 3S260 Warren Avenue, Warrenville, IL 60555 Saturday, September 17 10:30-11:30A Leonardo (Kid's Music) 12:45-2:00P Entertainment Stage Sunday, September 18 11:30A-1:00P Ambiente Trio 1:30-2:00P 2:30-4:00P Banjo Buddies Dixieland Band Artist Awards PRAIRIE Art & Music Festival Saturday, September 17 11:45A-12:45P Chris Fascione Strolling Juggler Pinot's Palette - St. Charles Sue Kleinwachter Balloon Tying 12:00-2:00P 1:00-2:00P CITY OF WARRENVILLE FREE ADMISSION Real Steel Drums Band Tin Fiddle Band Children's Free Entertainment Daniel And Associates Real Estate NANCIAL PINOTS PALETTE epeald NICHE LEDGER Daily Herald MEDIA GROUP Warrenville Park District Dancers Rick Lindy & The Wild Ones Sunday, September 18 12:00-2:00P Pinot's Palette - St. Charles Sue Kleinwachter Balloon Tying Magic on the Move 1:00-2:00P 1:15-2:15P NUMARK TOM'S CREDIT UNION -MARKET- NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ARTS 0000 (art) 100 inde(art park ART GLASS & SURPULL ED HOY'S Sponsored in part by the City of Warrenville Hotel Tax Fund. International Funded partially or wholly by the City of Warrenville. Warrenville Park District I 35260 Warren Avenue, Warrenville, IL 1 630.393.7279 | ART ON Warrenville THE PARK DISTRICT PLAY LEARN EXPLORE Saturday , September 17 - 10A - 6P Sunday , September 18-10A - 4P 2 : 00P 2 : 30-3 : 30P 4 : 00-6 : 00P NEW LOCATION ! Warrenville Park District Recreation Center Parking Lot 3S260 Warren Avenue , Warrenville , IL 60555 Saturday , September 17 10 : 30-11 : 30A Leonardo ( Kid's Music ) 12 : 45-2 : 00P Entertainment Stage Sunday , September 18 11 : 30A - 1 : 00P Ambiente Trio 1 : 30-2 : 00P 2 : 30-4 : 00P Banjo Buddies Dixieland Band Artist Awards PRAIRIE Art & Music Festival Saturday , September 17 11 : 45A - 12 : 45P Chris Fascione Strolling Juggler Pinot's Palette - St. Charles Sue Kleinwachter Balloon Tying 12 : 00-2 : 00P 1 : 00-2 : 00P CITY OF WARRENVILLE FREE ADMISSION Real Steel Drums Band Tin Fiddle Band Children's Free Entertainment Daniel And Associates Real Estate NANCIAL PINOTS PALETTE epeald NICHE LEDGER Daily Herald MEDIA GROUP Warrenville Park District Dancers Rick Lindy & The Wild Ones Sunday , September 18 12 : 00-2 : 00P Pinot's Palette - St. Charles Sue Kleinwachter Balloon Tying Magic on the Move 1 : 00-2 : 00P 1 : 15-2 : 15P NUMARK TOM'S CREDIT UNION -MARKET NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ARTS 0000 ( art ) 100 inde ( art park ART GLASS & SURPULL ED HOY'S Sponsored in part by the City of Warrenville Hotel Tax Fund . International Funded partially or wholly by the City of Warrenville . Warrenville Park District I 35260 Warren Avenue , Warrenville , IL 1 630.393.7279 |