Paid Political Advertisement WAYNE TOWNSHIP DESERVES BETTER! THE FACTS ABOUT HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER MARTIN MCMANAMON A History of Unprofessional & Failed Leadership >> Yells at residents when questioned about road conditions >> Sued for wrongful termination - lost the case, costing taxpayers over $100,000 >> 8 office managers in 12 years - many left due to an intolerable work environment >> Ignores calls and refuses to answer questions >> Bullies homeowners into placing his signs in their yards, refuses to leave until they agree >> Now charged for fighting at his own Democratic meeting! MISLEADING CLAIMS AND FISCAL MISMANAGEMENT >> Says he's "non-partisan" but runs the Wayne Township Democrats and harasses homeowners for displaying Republican signs >> Claims to manage 35 miles of road- but the real number is only 24.8 miles! Wayne Township Can't Afford Four More Years of McManamon! » Workers' Comp claims exceeding $100,000 - how is that "Zero Injuries"? >> Wrongful termination lawsuit cost over $100,000 >>Raises taxes when it benefits him - raised taxes to the max for five straight years! >> Threatened to sue the Township Board when asked to cut taxes VOTE for CHANGE VOTE AL MURPHY for WAYNE TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Respected Businessman and Proven Public Servant West Chicago Alderman and District 6 Forest Preserve Commissioner Listens to residents and respects your concerns Believes in transparency and accountability Will bring civility and professionalism to the office Paid for by Neighbors for Wayne Township NeighborsforWayne VOTE FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP VOTE AL MURPHY A Leader Who Works FOR YOU, Not Against You! Paid Political Advertisement WAYNE TOWNSHIP DESERVES BETTER ! THE FACTS ABOUT HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER MARTIN MCMANAMON A History of Unprofessional & Failed Leadership >> Yells at residents when questioned about road conditions >> Sued for wrongful termination - lost the case , costing taxpayers over $ 100,000 >> 8 office managers in 12 years - many left due to an intolerable work environment >> Ignores calls and refuses to answer questions >> Bullies homeowners into placing his signs in their yards , refuses to leave until they agree >> Now charged for fighting at his own Democratic meeting ! MISLEADING CLAIMS AND FISCAL MISMANAGEMENT >> Says he's " non - partisan " but runs the Wayne Township Democrats and harasses homeowners for displaying Republican signs >> Claims to manage 35 miles of road- but the real number is only 24.8 miles ! Wayne Township Can't Afford Four More Years of McManamon ! » Workers ' Comp claims exceeding $ 100,000 - how is that " Zero Injuries " ? >> Wrongful termination lawsuit cost over $ 100,000 >> Raises taxes when it benefits him - raised taxes to the max for five straight years ! >> Threatened to sue the Township Board when asked to cut taxes VOTE for CHANGE VOTE AL MURPHY for WAYNE TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Respected Businessman and Proven Public Servant West Chicago Alderman and District 6 Forest Preserve Commissioner Listens to residents and respects your concerns Believes in transparency and accountability Will bring civility and professionalism to the office Paid for by Neighbors for Wayne Township NeighborsforWayne VOTE FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP VOTE AL MURPHY A Leader Who Works FOR YOU , Not Against You !