Paid Political Advertisement VOTE for CHANGE VOTE AL MURPHY for WAYNE TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER A Leader Who Works FOR YOU, Not Against You! Respected Businessman and Proven Public Servant West Chicago Alderman and District 6 Forest Preserve Commissioner Listens to residents and respects your concerns Believes in transparency and accountability Will bring civility and professionalism to the office VOTE FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP VOTE AL MURPHY Paid for by Neighbors for Wayne Township NeighborsforWayne Paid Political Advertisement VOTE for CHANGE VOTE AL MURPHY for WAYNE TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER A Leader Who Works FOR YOU , Not Against You ! Respected Businessman and Proven Public Servant West Chicago Alderman and District 6 Forest Preserve Commissioner Listens to residents and respects your concerns Believes in transparency and accountability Will bring civility and professionalism to the office VOTE FOR RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP VOTE AL MURPHY Paid for by Neighbors for Wayne Township NeighborsforWayne