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  • Published Date

    March 9, 2020
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NERVE PAIN? DISCOVER THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGH THAT GAN RELIEVE PAIN AND NUMBNESS CAUSED BY NEUROPATHY wined Medd Physician, artnd wih D Morn wih seme dationm a Medical Dec de ally wd to wort wik Chinpat Rat te my sarprisr. les hen ww.afvrfard he pognam y Neurety yey ean he relieved have ow wached the peit were d' frel he Nepatky at mt of the sime. / vold y hur/ periened so90 pere inprovemnt since have been an she Newpaty prognam Thund . Dr. HernD. JH. MD If you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness and tingling, they are likely caused by Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy is a common condition that affects 20 million Americans and, once identified, can be successfully treated without the use of drugs and surgery. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE PERIPHERAL NERVE DAMAGE? The following symptoms may start gradually & then worsen: Muscle weakness Sensitivity to touda Numbness Disbotts dorvpain Sharp, oisetricdike pain Pain whnwilking Burnng ortinglitng Muscoweakness Difficulty sleeping irom leg er fest disemfore FREE SEMINAR Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC Leading Welness Expert Lecturer and Inventor Member of International Neurapathy Association Board Certifed in Neuropathy PARK RIDGE TUESDAY MARCH 10th OR MARCH 17TH e 12:00pm GENEVA LOCATION FRIDAY MARCH 13th e 12:30pm SE STATE ST. STE 4N NORTHWESTY, STEC ELGIN MONDAY MARCH 1th CHICAGO TUESDAY MARCH 10th © 2:00pm 400N. RANDALL RO. STE 0 OR MARCH 17TH 2:00pm 480N. NORTHWEST HWY, EDISON PARK LaCAioN LOcion BLOOMINGDALE THURSDAY MARCH 12th PALATINE WEDNESDAY MARCH 18th O 12:30pm 130N. BLOOMNGDALE RD. TE 00 012:30pm 1E PALATINE RD, sE 1 NON-SURGICAL, DRUG FREE TREATMENT FOR NERVE PAIN 224-699-3323 Seating is Limited FREE SEMINAR CALL TODAY TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NERVE PAIN? DISCOVER THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGH THAT GAN RELIEVE PAIN AND NUMBNESS CAUSED BY NEUROPATHY wined Medd Physician, artnd wih D Morn wih seme dationm a Medical Dec de ally wd to wort wik Chinpat Rat te my sarprisr. les hen ww.afvrfard he pognam y Neurety yey ean he relieved have ow wached the peit were d' frel he Nepatky at mt of the sime. / vold y hur/ periened so90 pere inprovemnt since have been an she Newpaty prognam Thund . Dr. HernD. JH. MD If you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness and tingling, they are likely caused by Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy is a common condition that affects 20 million Americans and, once identified, can be successfully treated without the use of drugs and surgery. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE PERIPHERAL NERVE DAMAGE? The following symptoms may start gradually & then worsen: Muscle weakness Sensitivity to touda Numbness Disbotts dorvpain Sharp, oisetricdike pain Pain whnwilking Burnng ortinglitng Muscoweakness Difficulty sleeping irom leg er fest disemfore FREE SEMINAR Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC Leading Welness Expert Lecturer and Inventor Member of International Neurapathy Association Board Certifed in Neuropathy PARK RIDGE TUESDAY MARCH 10th OR MARCH 17TH e 12:00pm GENEVA LOCATION FRIDAY MARCH 13th e 12:30pm SE STATE ST. STE 4N NORTHWESTY, STEC ELGIN MONDAY MARCH 1th CHICAGO TUESDAY MARCH 10th © 2:00pm 400N. RANDALL RO. STE 0 OR MARCH 17TH 2:00pm 480N. NORTHWEST HWY, EDISON PARK LaCAioN LOcion BLOOMINGDALE THURSDAY MARCH 12th PALATINE WEDNESDAY MARCH 18th O 12:30pm 130N. BLOOMNGDALE RD. TE 00 012:30pm 1E PALATINE RD, sE 1 NON-SURGICAL, DRUG FREE TREATMENT FOR NERVE PAIN 224-699-3323 Seating is Limited FREE SEMINAR CALL TODAY TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION