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  • Published Date

    October 16, 2021
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Dr. Horn Prestigious Neuropathy Treatment Award Local doctor. Dr. Dariel PHom, DCwas One of the keycomponents to reducing recenty recogrized as one of the BEST the damaging ettects of Peripheral Nouropathy Treatment Physiciana Nouropathy in being seen by a doctor he country by The enationalwho has tis specaloed tvaining Neuropathy Assoeiation Thisadvancedtrainingandpresentation & most cost-eflective options for the Book place at the NEURODoc Peripheral treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy. Neuropathy training taciltes in Jupiter, His facilities are considered state-ot Forida. The certification wan prosented the art and Dr. Hom is commited to by the C0-Chaiman of the LNA. DK providing 1et class care to patients Enc Kaplan aa woll an members of theirwho often travel trom long distances to board mpresenting the USA Peripheral Neuropathy sa condition D Hom has made a commment that affects milions of people and often to help his patients avoid Lyrica causes Leg Pain, Foot Pain, Knee Pain Cymbata Neurontin & unnecessary Buming. Numbness. Tingling. Pins procedures. NEURODoe Neuropatty Noedlon, Am Pain, Loss of Strength, Treatment Centern provides sale Balance & Coordnation Protems and gente effectve reliet tor vpwards of More De Hom continues to provide the latest seek his care 94% of patients that quality for care STOP SUFFERING FROM... THESE DOCTORS ARE AMONG 2021'S BEST NEUROPATHY PHYSICIANS BURNING . TINGLING. STABBING IN AMERICA NUMBNESS RESTLESSNESS Each doctor has been peer-nominated andlor selected by the International Neuropathy Association All doctors are Board Certifed PAINO SWELLING INFLAMMATION FATIGUE CRAMPING YOU MAY BE A CANDIDATE FOR A IMPLE ANATURAL PROCEDURE TO REDUCE/ELIMINATE YOUR SYMPTOMS Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC Momh o Awarded Peripheral ptationa Mecal Decor do aly te owwn Cioprac Neuropathy Leading Expert now providing free seminars than woek ar ny Nupy ome began te be eed w her he Call for info 224-699-83KO Nupaty ta moat of eme wory hr have perienced 80 perceremproveme NEURODoc Mupaty D AH, MO ARE YOUR LEGS/FEET SUFFERING FROM. O BURNING O TINGLING O STABBING O NUMBNESS O RESTLESSNESSO CRAMPING YOU MAY BLA CANDIDATEFORA SIMPLEA NATURAL PROEDURE TO REDUCELIMINATE O PAIN O SWELLING O INFLAMMATION O FATIGUE YOUR SYMTOMS FREE SEMINARS O MON Oe or Oet. 2 12:00pm-1752 Gradand P, DES PLANES TUES Ot 10 e12on 0 Fand R. S 214 PALATNE WED0t 2 O 1200pm 117EPe d. De BLOOMINGOALE DHRS O er 1200pm10NSoong NEURODOC NRORATY TATHE CETEs, ADVANCED M AL ELLNESS 224-699-3330 Call Now to LEARN MORE!!! Dr. Horn Prestigious Neuropathy Treatment Award Local doctor. Dr. Dariel PHom, DCwas One of the keycomponents to reducing recenty recogrized as one of the BEST the damaging ettects of Peripheral Nouropathy Treatment Physiciana Nouropathy in being seen by a doctor he country by The enationalwho has tis specaloed tvaining Neuropathy Assoeiation Thisadvancedtrainingandpresentation & most cost-eflective options for the Book place at the NEURODoc Peripheral treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy. Neuropathy training taciltes in Jupiter, His facilities are considered state-ot Forida. The certification wan prosented the art and Dr. Hom is commited to by the C0-Chaiman of the LNA. DK providing 1et class care to patients Enc Kaplan aa woll an members of theirwho often travel trom long distances to board mpresenting the USA Peripheral Neuropathy sa condition D Hom has made a commment that affects milions of people and often to help his patients avoid Lyrica causes Leg Pain, Foot Pain, Knee Pain Cymbata Neurontin & unnecessary Buming. Numbness. Tingling. Pins procedures. NEURODoe Neuropatty Noedlon, Am Pain, Loss of Strength, Treatment Centern provides sale Balance & Coordnation Protems and gente effectve reliet tor vpwards of More De Hom continues to provide the latest seek his care 94% of patients that quality for care STOP SUFFERING FROM... THESE DOCTORS ARE AMONG 2021'S BEST NEUROPATHY PHYSICIANS BURNING . TINGLING. STABBING IN AMERICA NUMBNESS RESTLESSNESS Each doctor has been peer-nominated andlor selected by the International Neuropathy Association All doctors are Board Certifed PAINO SWELLING INFLAMMATION FATIGUE CRAMPING YOU MAY BE A CANDIDATE FOR A IMPLE ANATURAL PROCEDURE TO REDUCE/ELIMINATE YOUR SYMPTOMS Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC Momh o Awarded Peripheral ptationa Mecal Decor do aly te owwn Cioprac Neuropathy Leading Expert now providing free seminars than woek ar ny Nupy ome began te be eed w her he Call for info 224-699-83KO Nupaty ta moat of eme wory hr have perienced 80 perceremproveme NEURODoc Mupaty D AH, MO ARE YOUR LEGS/FEET SUFFERING FROM. O BURNING O TINGLING O STABBING O NUMBNESS O RESTLESSNESSO CRAMPING YOU MAY BLA CANDIDATEFORA SIMPLEA NATURAL PROEDURE TO REDUCELIMINATE O PAIN O SWELLING O INFLAMMATION O FATIGUE YOUR SYMTOMS FREE SEMINARS O MON Oe or Oet. 2 12:00pm-1752 Gradand P, DES PLANES TUES Ot 10 e12on 0 Fand R. S 214 PALATNE WED0t 2 O 1200pm 117EPe d. De BLOOMINGOALE DHRS O er 1200pm10NSoong NEURODOC NRORATY TATHE CETEs, ADVANCED M AL ELLNESS 224-699-3330 Call Now to LEARN MORE!!!