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    July 11, 2023
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Burton "Sarge Showers Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Emma Zach! As an Army soldier, Burton "Sarge" Showers served in the Pacific Theater with General Douglas' Headquarters during World War II. He taught history at Palatine High School for several years and was the faculty adviser to the Student Council. The $2.500 scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior and is sponsored by a former student of Mr. Showers, Edward Rogan. Mr. Rogan funds the award in honor of his parents, former Palatine residents Edward and Olga Rogan. The Burton "Sarge" Showers Scholarship is awarded to Emma Zach, 2023 PHS graduate who answered the question" Why is American History, democracy, and capitalism important?" (The essay is not reflective of the opinions of District 211 or any of its teachers.) Today America has become the largest hegemonic power in the world. Through diplomacy we spread our three main ideals which our nation was built upon: democracy, capitalism, and history. Looking at these three main foundational ideas through the context of modern diplomacy can help us understand the importance of them in our society today. In a world of the globalized, interconnected, sticky web that is Earth today, diplomacy has become necessary to maintain our way of life. A modern example of this would be the Russian attack on Ukraine. The war has affected the U.S economy through inflation of gas and food prices, supply chain issues, and stock market drop due to the uncertainty of the situation. It is seen as a threat to U.S democracy because of the authoritarian attack on freedom in Ukraine. It also cannot be understood without understanding the historical context of Ukraine's former soviet satellite status, and the ambitions of Putin to bring back the former glory days of the USSR. So while the war wages thousands of miles away, and American lives aren't directly threatened by this conflict, the way we live our lives and enjoy our freedoms has been impacted by it. Through our 168 foreign Embassies and 727 Consulates the U.S spreads democratic ideals every day (Embassy WorldWide). This includes expanding basic freedoms and rights like the ability to get an equitable education, to run free and fair election, the right to a fair trial, and to not be discriminated against because of race or background ("Democracy - the National Museum of American Diplomacy"). For example, in 2021 the new plan for U.S.-Africa relations was revealed, which included an initiative to help curb the spread of COVID-19 in the region, promote free trade and strengthen economic ties by creating new opportunities for U.S businesses, try to reduce conflict and violence in hot-spot regions like Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, etc. and to stop election fraud and corruption ("U.S Policy Towards Africa"). U.S diplomacy promotes democracy abroad in order to help build up other nations but also to maintain the delicate balancing act that freedom and authoritarianism are doing on the world stage today. U.S diplomacy also helps maintain one of the most important ideals in our society today: capitalism. Everything in our world is influenced by money. While the U.S Revolution was certainly about freedom and human rights, it was also about getting rid of the Navigation Acts imposed on the U.S that made free- trade impossible, and of course, lowering taxes. One of the main reasons that the U.S is so powerful today is because trade is done with the U.S dollar, and it it why we can threaten to sanction nations that infringe upon their citizens' rights or our own. After World War Two, the U.S invested billions of dollars into the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild Western Europe after the destruction of the war. While costly, the Marshall Plan succeeded in preventing every nation we helped falling to communism, and protected our free-trade market abroad. Capitalism eventually helped us defeat the Soviets at the end of the Cold War as well, because our ability to profit off of seemingly worthless items such as silly putty, consumerism skyrocketed our GDP allowing us to drain the USSR of all their money trying to keep up with our military-industrial-complex. History is one of the most important subjects in school, yet it is often the most overlooked. Without a grasp on history we are bound to make the same mistakes. While the United States has a relatively short history compared to other countries, we still reference documents such as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that our founding fathers wrote centuries ago. Our constitution laid the groundwork for every single law passed in our country, and will continue to do so for every future law. Understanding the past is also crucial when trying to fix old relationships or forge new ones with other countries. For example, when I traveled to Malaysia this summer to learn more about my Uncle's job in the foreign service, I learned about the importance of contextualization within diplomacy. He talked about Malaysia's colonial history with Britain, and the change from Malaya to Malaysia by adding territories in Borneo, and for a short while Singapore. All of this context is necessary to understand how to negotiate, trade, and create a connection with the Malaysian Government. Looking to the future, it is safe to assume that globalization will continue to expand across our world, making U.S diplomatic work necessary to not only maintain our way of life, but improve it. I want to continue to help spread the American ideals of Democracy, Capitalism, and History abroad by joining the Foreign Service. I plan to create an initiative supported by U.S diplomatic work in developing countries to support the equitable education of youth in developing nations. Works Cited "Democracy - the National Museum of American Diplomacy." U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, 1 Nov. 2022, our-mission/democracy/. "Embassies of the US and Foreign Embassies in the US." Embassy WorldWide, Embassy WorldWide, country/united-states/. "U.S. Policy toward Africa - United States Department of State." U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, 15 Apr. 2022, https://www.state. gov/u-s-policy-toward-africa Burton " Sarge Showers Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Emma Zach ! As an Army soldier , Burton " Sarge " Showers served in the Pacific Theater with General Douglas ' Headquarters during World War II . He taught history at Palatine High School for several years and was the faculty adviser to the Student Council . The $ 2.500 scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior and is sponsored by a former student of Mr. Showers , Edward Rogan . Mr. Rogan funds the award in honor of his parents , former Palatine residents Edward and Olga Rogan . The Burton " Sarge " Showers Scholarship is awarded to Emma Zach , 2023 PHS graduate who answered the question " Why is American History , democracy , and capitalism important ? " ( The essay is not reflective of the opinions of District 211 or any of its teachers . ) Today America has become the largest hegemonic power in the world . Through diplomacy we spread our three main ideals which our nation was built upon : democracy , capitalism , and history . Looking at these three main foundational ideas through the context of modern diplomacy can help us understand the importance of them in our society today . In a world of the globalized , interconnected , sticky web that is Earth today , diplomacy has become necessary to maintain our way of life . A modern example of this would be the Russian attack on Ukraine . The war has affected the U.S economy through inflation of gas and food prices , supply chain issues , and stock market drop due to the uncertainty of the situation . It is seen as a threat to U.S democracy because of the authoritarian attack on freedom in Ukraine . It also cannot be understood without understanding the historical context of Ukraine's former soviet satellite status , and the ambitions of Putin to bring back the former glory days of the USSR . So while the war wages thousands of miles away , and American lives aren't directly threatened by this conflict , the way we live our lives and enjoy our freedoms has been impacted by it . Through our 168 foreign Embassies and 727 Consulates the U.S spreads democratic ideals every day ( Embassy WorldWide ) . This includes expanding basic freedoms and rights like the ability to get an equitable education , to run free and fair election , the right to a fair trial , and to not be discriminated against because of race or background ( " Democracy - the National Museum of American Diplomacy " ) . For example , in 2021 the new plan for U.S. - Africa relations was revealed , which included an initiative to help curb the spread of COVID - 19 in the region , promote free trade and strengthen economic ties by creating new opportunities for U.S businesses , try to reduce conflict and violence in hot - spot regions like Ethiopia , Sudan , Somalia , etc. and to stop election fraud and corruption ( " U.S Policy Towards Africa " ) . U.S diplomacy promotes democracy abroad in order to help build up other nations but also to maintain the delicate balancing act that freedom and authoritarianism are doing on the world stage today . U.S diplomacy also helps maintain one of the most important ideals in our society today : capitalism . Everything in our world is influenced by money . While the U.S Revolution was certainly about freedom and human rights , it was also about getting rid of the Navigation Acts imposed on the U.S that made free trade impossible , and of course , lowering taxes . One of the main reasons that the U.S is so powerful today is because trade is done with the U.S dollar , and it it why we can threaten to sanction nations that infringe upon their citizens ' rights or our own . After World War Two , the U.S invested billions of dollars into the Marshall Plan , which helped rebuild Western Europe after the destruction of the war . While costly , the Marshall Plan succeeded in preventing every nation we helped falling to communism , and protected our free - trade market abroad . Capitalism eventually helped us defeat the Soviets at the end of the Cold War as well , because our ability to profit off of seemingly worthless items such as silly putty , consumerism skyrocketed our GDP allowing us to drain the USSR of all their money trying to keep up with our military - industrial - complex . History is one of the most important subjects in school , yet it is often the most overlooked . Without a grasp on history we are bound to make the same mistakes . While the United States has a relatively short history compared to other countries , we still reference documents such as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that our founding fathers wrote centuries ago . Our constitution laid the groundwork for every single law passed in our country , and will continue to do so for every future law . Understanding the past is also crucial when trying to fix old relationships or forge new ones with other countries . For example , when I traveled to Malaysia this summer to learn more about my Uncle's job in the foreign service , I learned about the importance of contextualization within diplomacy . He talked about Malaysia's colonial history with Britain , and the change from Malaya to Malaysia by adding territories in Borneo , and for a short while Singapore . All of this context is necessary to understand how to negotiate , trade , and create a connection with the Malaysian Government . Looking to the future , it is safe to assume that globalization will continue to expand across our world , making U.S diplomatic work necessary to not only maintain our way of life , but improve it . I want to continue to help spread the American ideals of Democracy , Capitalism , and History abroad by joining the Foreign Service . I plan to create an initiative supported by U.S diplomatic work in developing countries to support the equitable education of youth in developing nations . Works Cited " Democracy - the National Museum of American Diplomacy . " U.S. Department of State , U.S. Department of State , 1 Nov. 2022 , our - mission / democracy / . " Embassies of the US and Foreign Embassies in the US . " Embassy WorldWide , Embassy WorldWide , country / united - states / . " U.S. Policy toward Africa - United States Department of State . " U.S. Department of State , U.S. Department of State , 15 Apr. 2022 , https : //www.state . gov / u - s - policy - toward - africa