DUPAGE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS Your Neighoorhood Government Serving You Township government is the oldest existing unit of government continuing to serve on the North American continent. Township govemment was in existence for 140 years prior to the signing ofthe Declaration of Independence in 1776 The Declaration's statemment that "govemmenr should derive its just powers fromm the consent of the governed demonstrated at the Annual Town Meeting held on the second Tuesday of each April. The Annual Town Meeting is still an important function of our nation's 17,000 townships after more than 360 years. The Ilinois Constitution of 1848 gave voters in each county the opportunity to adopt Township Government. By 1850, the ments began operation. Today, DuPage Co Illinois operates under the township form of government and the ine sowaships serve more thean 930,000 citizens By law, Ilinois townships are charged with three basic functions I) general assistance for the indigent 2) the assessment of real property for the basis of local taxation and 3) maintenance of all roads and bridges outside federal, state, and other local jurisdiction. These basic functions are less than 2% of your property tax lligned with those services required by law, through the efforts of dedicated employees, our offices movse couesserves in order tw preserve and enhance tte quality of life for ull our residents ENERAL ASSISTANCE General Assistance is a monthly grant program, mandated by State Law and administered exclusively by Illinois Townships. Assistance is administered to individuals or families in need who meet the financial and non-financial requirements and who have exhausted all other means of assistance EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Emergency Assistance is a needs based program for Township residents and is administered to individuals or families once in a twelve-month period for utilities, rent, andor food. They must meet financial and non-financial requirements. LIHEAP DuPage County administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This assistance program can help eligible households with gas andlor electric bills. The Township assists in filling out and accepling applications FOOD PANTRY The Pantry provides assistance for residents in need through donations from private individuals corporations, and other not-for-profit organizations. The pantry is an asset to the Township, providing the General Assistance Office with a donated source of food to ensure that the needy do not go hungry. Attend your Annual Town Meeting- Tuesday, April 9,2019 Contact your township for time and location. ADDISON TOWNSHIP Densis Rebolesti Supervisee BLOOMINGDALE TOWNSHIP Mchael D. Hovde r,Supevisee 123 N. Rosedale, Bloomingdale IL 60108 630-529-771S DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP Mark S. Thoman, Supervidoe 340 Prince Street Doweers Grove IL 6051 630-719-6610 630-530-8161 LISLE TOWNSHIP Mary lo Mullen, Superviser 711 ndiana AveoueLie EL 60532 630-968-2087 NAPERVILLE TOWNSHIP Eddie Bedlord Superviser 139 Water Street, Napervile IL 60540 630-355-2786 MILTON TOWNSHIIP O Chris leidorn, Supervier 492 N Main Street, Wheaton IL 6018 630-668-1616 WINFIELD TOWNSHIP Doma L Smith Supervisor 130 Arbor Ave,West Chicago IL 60185 630-231-3591 WAYNE TOWNSHIP YORK TOWNSHIP ohn W. Valle, Supervisor 1502 S Meyers Road, Lomband IL 608 630-620-2400 Randr Rumey, Seperv WO31 North Ave West Chicago IL 60185S 630-231-7140 The government closest to the people serves the people best."