DUPAGE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS Your Neighborhood Gouermment Serving You By law, oods towni are charged with three basic function 1)general atance for the indigent 2) the asement of real property for che basis of col aation and 3)mantenonce of allroods ond bridges outide fedenst state end ocher locel jursdiction These basic functions are less than 2% of your property tex Algned with those services required by law, through the efforts of dedicated employees our offices provide countless services in order to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all our residents LHEAP (Low locome Home Energy Assistance Program)-ALL TOWNSHIPS (Beginning October 1st) The primary perpese ofthe LiEAP Programis to asist eligle hoebelds by offeting the sing cost of home eergy through ret nanal ainc WAYNE TOWNSHIP Randy Ramey, Supervisor 27w031 North Ave, West Chicage IL60185 BLOOMINGDALE TOWNSHIP Michael D. Hovde r. Supervisor 123 N Rosedale, Blocmingdale L60108 630-529-7715 www.bloominglaletownship.com ADDISON TOWNSHIP Dennis Rebolett, Supervisor 401 Addisoa Road, Addiscn IL 60101 630-231-7140 630-530-8161 www.wayetwp.com www.addiwbip.com oPEN ROUSE Satarday, October 19, 2019 10.00am to 12:00pm Celebrating the opening of the sewly renesed Food Pantry&Sesicr Cester rooo PANTRYENTS Wale ey Agsachto Satrition ita Now-Noveeber 1t hankaging Meal Beaistiatien November 21st Scalor Christaa Gin Drive November 25th-December 13h Isxi - Cheistmas MealDexandGinDiribations December 19 TMEAMLY SERIESENAEx Waye/Wisfeld Area Yeuth/Family Services b 1th a Wet Car Wa 193 W. North Av West Cicag Smber 13 at john&Tony's (ner only) 127W371 North Aveese, West Ciag EETERANS Celebration od Lide Party Celebting all Wayne Tewwhi Veterans Nvmber 17th ACOMING PROSRAMS&NIS sIPMedica Coalia Open Enrellment Begins October 15-Decmber 7t Comity de Shred Exent October 19,2019-900am to Noon Main Parkng Lo SENOREENTS alle anchea. Friday October 18s at 1200pm $1 unch Entertainment, and Best Cotme Contest Cofes Klatach Wedonday, November 20 at 1.00pm to 300pm Ey offee,cete caes coescversation nOLIDAY RORAMS Thaslaghingand Chratmas Heday food basets are suppled to needy Town- ship familes Call 630-529-993 er indormation SharingTree Opens mid-November and russ tmid-December Providing needy children with pfts for Christma all30-529-9993 for additional informao zEADDSON TOweroNDATIoM ANot For Profe S02Jorgneon Accepting monetay, denutions nos-perishable food and ygee ite year round suppot of the Feod Pastry cNG TREEROcr Accepng w toys and sew clothing for childnm is uppert af ar boliday Civing Tree Projet zWHIe sECESAALALE Esod Pastr pen Mondiy through friday) Easspot Acceatance Apeas Monday-Friday 00m to 400pm Iaship lestrsaks Recycling November 23rd 9.00am te Noon zone SERVICESAKMABL Eoodast (Ope Tesday and Tersday) taspartcceatance Ageats Monday-Friday 00am to 3:30pm) YetCeater Ceastln Monday's 12 30pm to 430pm MILTON TOWNSHIP 0Chris Heidoen, Sepervisor 1492 N. Main Street Wheaten IL. 60187 630-668-1616 www.ostowashipset WINFIELD TOWNSHIP Dona L Smith, Superviser 130 Arbor Awe, Vest Chicago I1. 60185 YORK TOWNSHIP Jobn W. Valle, Supervisor 1502 S Meyers Road Loebard It. 60148 630-231-3591 630-620-2400 www.winteldtowaship.com www.yorktwsp.com ELANDSUMONILa Wday, October 4th-9.00am to 1130a t wi be in come, fest served bass Brng your curree irance card and a photo s 46NAPP friday.October 11th 10.00am t11.00a Getting older can be stresa but anderstanding yoor body's changes can help rae your mind Dis- cover ways to bost physicaland eotonal bealth oPENENROLLMENTOR MEDICARE& ME Fnday, October 1h10 00m to11 00am This ee edcational program ceers changes to 2020 Sal Seurty and Medicae Parts A C&D HANASGNGEART Friday, November 8-1245pm to 3:30pm Tkets $10 Lancheoa-serd at 100pm Lanch wll ct of delcious tarkey and all the onings and a live band Seminarsparty is the anditoriem EAUEYAND EEASE Wedeay Nmber 20th parte 11.0 Retn 530pms $75 tickts incude tramportation shew and lunch. We will take ahry coach to The Paramount Theatre where we wil ee a Broadway style stage prodection efBeasty and the Beas nOLIDAYFROGRAMS AdtAdamy vatios Septmbe-October 21 We partner with the local food pantry ad donors We also partr with Pse del Publ Families that do not get adopted receve a wvitation fr their Chrems oe SENORS Eree Senier Aato Salety lasgectius Oober Sth-00am to Noon Wheatoe Fire Station No. 1 moLIDAY PROSBAMS Thakaging TaheyDistrilan Nember 20th rood Pantry Chents) SENRSSALEDS Salarand Disabled roga Monday-Friday 15am to 445m This service provides curb to curb transportacion foe seners 65 and lder and persens wis sb es over the age of 18 within Wld Tewship S00ndrip up to 3stops Rgistration through the towehip is eessary aliday ShaciagBasket Erogram Coecting the eedy wih local donors) Novmber nd December Gal fer eformation (s reove er donate) IaIsta Marine Corps Reserve program for eeedy bam x AMILSEncas.UNDRES Wayse/Wiafeld Area Youth/Tamily Services tober 13that Wett Car Wash 193 W. Noth Aveue, West Chicago be 1 Johs &Tony's (diner only) 2W37 North Avee West Oicg EANTA aca Day By Aopoisent or cme residests Menday-Friday 830amto430pm LISLE TOWNSHIP Mary Jo Mallen, Supervisor 4711 ndana Awnae, Lisle IL 60532 630-968-2087 www.lisletowhip.oom NAPERVILLE TOWNSHIP Eddie Bedfeed, Supervisor 139 Water Street, Naperville IL 60540 630-355-2786 www.napervilletownahip.com DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP Mark S. Thoman Superviser 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, It 6as1s 630-719-6610 www.dgtoweship.com SENORSERICES IDEVENTS AGLBOOK Vt or Pacebook page fer Evst detaids and oth owsers Grove Twsi relad evets www.fcebook.comba/dtowhip/pests EceCaCareCaSeaia SrdyOctober 12h from 00a totz00pm Lnle Townhip Garagr. 4711 Induns Ave. Lle suEMedicare Casasin Open Enlmet egins October 15December Th by appointment cnly open enroll appontments areted IRLDNTS ECa Care f Seaiors StyOctober 12th from 800am te1z00pm Lle Township Carage, 4711 lndiana Ae, Linle BisgoingaHodatar Friday, December 6h from 1230pm t200pm Lisle Park Distrit 1925 0Street Lise OLIDAY PROG Haliday Adoptian fragram October 1st-November 15th Naperville Township matches generus dons and sponsrs with needy tambes within the community coMeNY PARENERS Napervle pports and helps fand Aarore nterfoth Food Puntry, Loaves ond Fishe Commuity Services 360 Youth Serviices ang wih eigh addaion nonprf sion Check our wbe fe the completee st Binge eida.a wday, beceber 6th 3230 00pm sle Park Distric 2925 Street e rDRASER ENTs Eriends for DewsELSEETaipSaie 2nd Anal Fundraiser October 3rd-500pe t700pm Oak Teace Health Ceter 250vage Dve(of Fairview) Downers Grove s25 in advance 530 at the door OAESRANs Saccial aday Distii Thankging and Winter Hebday alday Git roan Gvng ncfames gts or the cdres in the wier hoday season EISH soTHAversary Cebrn Fndraiser October 17h-600pm to 830pm Ashyana Ceeter 123573 Street Downers Grove Tickos $25 payable iadvance E0oD PANERE Oen Man Wed.Ei 80am to t0 30am 200pm to 400pm "The government closest to the people serves the people best." -Thomas Jefferson DUPAGE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS Your Neighborhood Gouermment Serving You By law, oods towni are charged with three basic function 1)general atance for the indigent 2) the asement of real property for che basis of col aation and 3)mantenonce of allroods ond bridges outide fedenst state end ocher locel jursdiction These basic functions are less than 2% of your property tex Algned with those services required by law, through the efforts of dedicated employees our offices provide countless services in order to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all our residents LHEAP (Low locome Home Energy Assistance Program)-ALL TOWNSHIPS (Beginning October 1st) The primary perpese ofthe LiEAP Programis to asist eligle hoebelds by offeting the sing cost of home eergy through ret nanal ainc WAYNE TOWNSHIP Randy Ramey, Supervisor 27w031 North Ave, West Chicage IL60185 BLOOMINGDALE TOWNSHIP Michael D. Hovde r. Supervisor 123 N Rosedale, Blocmingdale L60108 630-529-7715 www.bloominglaletownship.com ADDISON TOWNSHIP Dennis Rebolett, Supervisor 401 Addisoa Road, Addiscn IL 60101 630-231-7140 630-530-8161 www.wayetwp.com www.addiwbip.com oPEN ROUSE Satarday, October 19, 2019 10.00am to 12:00pm Celebrating the opening of the sewly renesed Food Pantry&Sesicr Cester rooo PANTRYENTS Wale ey Agsachto Satrition ita Now-Noveeber 1t hankaging Meal Beaistiatien November 21st Scalor Christaa Gin Drive November 25th-December 13h Isxi - Cheistmas MealDexandGinDiribations December 19 TMEAMLY SERIESENAEx Waye/Wisfeld Area Yeuth/Family Services b 1th a Wet Car Wa 193 W. North Av West Cicag Smber 13 at john&Tony's (ner only) 127W371 North Aveese, West Ciag EETERANS Celebration od Lide Party Celebting all Wayne Tewwhi Veterans Nvmber 17th ACOMING PROSRAMS&NIS sIPMedica Coalia Open Enrellment Begins October 15-Decmber 7t Comity de Shred Exent October 19,2019-900am to Noon Main Parkng Lo SENOREENTS alle anchea. Friday October 18s at 1200pm $1 unch Entertainment, and Best Cotme Contest Cofes Klatach Wedonday, November 20 at 1.00pm to 300pm Ey offee,cete caes coescversation nOLIDAY RORAMS Thaslaghingand Chratmas Heday food basets are suppled to needy Town- ship familes Call 630-529-993 er indormation SharingTree Opens mid-November and russ tmid-December Providing needy children with pfts for Christma all30-529-9993 for additional informao zEADDSON TOweroNDATIoM ANot For Profe S02Jorgneon Accepting monetay, denutions nos-perishable food and ygee ite year round suppot of the Feod Pastry cNG TREEROcr Accepng w toys and sew clothing for childnm is uppert af ar boliday Civing Tree Projet zWHIe sECESAALALE Esod Pastr pen Mondiy through friday) Easspot Acceatance Apeas Monday-Friday 00m to 400pm Iaship lestrsaks Recycling November 23rd 9.00am te Noon zone SERVICESAKMABL Eoodast (Ope Tesday and Tersday) taspartcceatance Ageats Monday-Friday 00am to 3:30pm) YetCeater Ceastln Monday's 12 30pm to 430pm MILTON TOWNSHIP 0Chris Heidoen, Sepervisor 1492 N. Main Street Wheaten IL. 60187 630-668-1616 www.ostowashipset WINFIELD TOWNSHIP Dona L Smith, Superviser 130 Arbor Awe, Vest Chicago I1. 60185 YORK TOWNSHIP Jobn W. Valle, Supervisor 1502 S Meyers Road Loebard It. 60148 630-231-3591 630-620-2400 www.winteldtowaship.com www.yorktwsp.com ELANDSUMONILa Wday, October 4th-9.00am to 1130a t wi be in come, fest served bass Brng your curree irance card and a photo s 46NAPP friday.October 11th 10.00am t11.00a Getting older can be stresa but anderstanding yoor body's changes can help rae your mind Dis- cover ways to bost physicaland eotonal bealth oPENENROLLMENTOR MEDICARE& ME Fnday, October 1h10 00m to11 00am This ee edcational program ceers changes to 2020 Sal Seurty and Medicae Parts A C&D HANASGNGEART Friday, November 8-1245pm to 3:30pm Tkets $10 Lancheoa-serd at 100pm Lanch wll ct of delcious tarkey and all the onings and a live band Seminarsparty is the anditoriem EAUEYAND EEASE Wedeay Nmber 20th parte 11.0 Retn 530pms $75 tickts incude tramportation shew and lunch. We will take ahry coach to The Paramount Theatre where we wil ee a Broadway style stage prodection efBeasty and the Beas nOLIDAYFROGRAMS AdtAdamy vatios Septmbe-October 21 We partner with the local food pantry ad donors We also partr with Pse del Publ Families that do not get adopted receve a wvitation fr their Chrems oe SENORS Eree Senier Aato Salety lasgectius Oober Sth-00am to Noon Wheatoe Fire Station No. 1 moLIDAY PROSBAMS Thakaging TaheyDistrilan Nember 20th rood Pantry Chents) SENRSSALEDS Salarand Disabled roga Monday-Friday 15am to 445m This service provides curb to curb transportacion foe seners 65 and lder and persens wis sb es over the age of 18 within Wld Tewship S00ndrip up to 3stops Rgistration through the towehip is eessary aliday ShaciagBasket Erogram Coecting the eedy wih local donors) Novmber nd December Gal fer eformation (s reove er donate) IaIsta Marine Corps Reserve program for eeedy bam x AMILSEncas.UNDRES Wayse/Wiafeld Area Youth/Tamily Services tober 13that Wett Car Wash 193 W. Noth Aveue, West Chicago be 1 Johs &Tony's (diner only) 2W37 North Avee West Oicg EANTA aca Day By Aopoisent or cme residests Menday-Friday 830amto430pm LISLE TOWNSHIP Mary Jo Mallen, Supervisor 4711 ndana Awnae, Lisle IL 60532 630-968-2087 www.lisletowhip.oom NAPERVILLE TOWNSHIP Eddie Bedfeed, Supervisor 139 Water Street, Naperville IL 60540 630-355-2786 www.napervilletownahip.com DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP Mark S. Thoman Superviser 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, It 6as1s 630-719-6610 www.dgtoweship.com SENORSERICES IDEVENTS AGLBOOK Vt or Pacebook page fer Evst detaids and oth owsers Grove Twsi relad evets www.fcebook.comba/dtowhip/pests EceCaCareCaSeaia SrdyOctober 12h from 00a totz00pm Lnle Townhip Garagr. 4711 Induns Ave. Lle suEMedicare Casasin Open Enlmet egins October 15December Th by appointment cnly open enroll appontments areted IRLDNTS ECa Care f Seaiors StyOctober 12th from 800am te1z00pm Lle Township Carage, 4711 lndiana Ae, Linle BisgoingaHodatar Friday, December 6h from 1230pm t200pm Lisle Park Distrit 1925 0Street Lise OLIDAY PROG Haliday Adoptian fragram October 1st-November 15th Naperville Township matches generus dons and sponsrs with needy tambes within the community coMeNY PARENERS Napervle pports and helps fand Aarore nterfoth Food Puntry, Loaves ond Fishe Commuity Services 360 Youth Serviices ang wih eigh addaion nonprf sion Check our wbe fe the completee st Binge eida.a wday, beceber 6th 3230 00pm sle Park Distric 2925 Street e rDRASER ENTs Eriends for DewsELSEETaipSaie 2nd Anal Fundraiser October 3rd-500pe t700pm Oak Teace Health Ceter 250vage Dve(of Fairview) Downers Grove s25 in advance 530 at the door OAESRANs Saccial aday Distii Thankging and Winter Hebday alday Git roan Gvng ncfames gts or the cdres in the wier hoday season EISH soTHAversary Cebrn Fndraiser October 17h-600pm to 830pm Ashyana Ceeter 123573 Street Downers Grove Tickos $25 payable iadvance E0oD PANERE Oen Man Wed.Ei 80am to t0 30am 200pm to 400pm "The government closest to the people serves the people best." -Thomas Jefferson