PETS ARE FAMILY, TOO by Dr. Annjolyn Pecoraro-Knoll PET STRESS While the humans in the house are busy worrying about things counseling, wellness visits, and other ways to practice like politics, healthcare and gas prices, animals might feel justpreventative care when it comes to your pet's good health as stressed out but for different reasons. Animal stress can be Call us for an appointment at Knoll Animal Hospital, 630-668 emotional, environmental, or physical. Emotional stress might 1748, to discuss unusual behavior in your pet as well as for include jealousy over a new family member or mourning the llnesses, injuries, and emergency care. Our staff will explain loss of one. Family members include both the two-legged and any recommended treatments and prescriptions for your pet. four-legged kind. Environmental stress or a significant change Don't forget to mention our NEW CLIENT $1 PROMOTIONAL in routine could be responsible. Physical stress could be caused EXAMINATION. We care for all the pets that come to us at 565 E. by obesity or parasites. If the family pet starts showing signs St.Charles Road at the corner of Schmale and St Charles Road of stress by relieving him- or herself in inappropriate places, as if they were our own. We make house calls changing grooming habits, or having behavioral issues, talk to the veterinarian to narrow down the cause P.S. Before visiting the vet for a possible stress diagnosis keep track of all unusual symptoms. The vet will want to rule Our complete pet health services include more than nutritionout health problems first.