PETS ARE FAMILY, TOO! by Dr. Annjolyn Pecoraro-Knoll HEART DISEASE IN PETS Heart disease may be a leading cause of death in humans, but recognize when something is not right with your pet's health. animals fare better in the cardiovascular arena. Only about 10% of Unusual habits and behaviors that are out of the ordinary are not dogs suffer from heart disease, although that percentage is higher signs of a healthy animal. Help your pet regain their health and stay in older dogs. The numbers are harder to gauge in cats because that way with the compassionate health care from Knoll Animal they tend to not show many symptoms. Dogs most often suffer from Hospital, 565 E. St. Charles Rd. at the corner of Schmale Road mitral valve diseases that can cause the heart to become weak. Cats typically show problems with hypertrophy cardiomyopathy, animals leads us to treat all pets that come to us as if they were our a genetic disease that causes the walls of the heart to become thick. Dogs suffering from heart disease will be sleepy and breathe also make house calls. heavily, and they may have a low cough. Cats will sometimes become paralyzed in their back legs after a blood clot breaks free.PS. There are many tests that the veterinarian can perform to and St. Charles Road in Carol Stream. Our deep concern for own pets. Please call (630) 668-1748 to make an appointment. We evaluate hearth disease. Pay attention to any symptoms, especially an animal's breathing when sleeping You don't have to be a trained veterinary professional to