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  • Published Date

    December 30, 2018
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PETS ARE FAMILY, TOO by Dr. Angela Clark VITAMIN D TOXICOSIS Dear Knoll Animal Hospital Clients dog food brands made by that manufacturer have been Some of you may not be aware of a food recall due to recalled. high levels of Vitamin D in certain brands of dog food. If If you feel your pet has been affected or have any Vitamin D levels are too high in your pet's diet, they can concerns, please call us at Knoll Animal Hospital at 630- develop Vitamin D toxicosis. Early signs may be as vague 668-1478. Our dedicated staff at 565 E.St.Charles Road as decreased appetite, lethargy and weakness. If levels at the cormer of Schmale and St. Charles Road would be become too high, more severe clinical signs may be happy to answer any questions about your pets' health. We vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, fever and excessive thirst and can discuss if testing is needed and what treatment, if any urination your pet may need. Also, the most important quality to look Manufacturers that have issued a recall include ANF for when choosing any pet food, is making sure it is AAFCO Pet Inc., ELM Pet Foods and Sunshine Mills. You should approved. check your pet's food and see if it is made by one of theseThank you, manufacturers. If so, you can check online to see whichThe Staff at Knoll Animal Hospital www.knollanimalhospital.com