Business Insight Skin cancer is still growing. September is a great time to have your skin checked again. Actually, any time for a full body skin examination is good, but after several sunny and hot summer months, we assume there was more exposure of your skin than ever. Also, please, do not forget that the exposure duration is connected to the daytime hours, with 11-4 being the most direct and most dangerous to your skin. Sun is not unhealthy. It helps your body create vitamin D, it also helps your skin inflammations. But sun exposure should be short in duration and outside of the peak time. Then, its benefit is higher than risk. And the risk continues to be very high, for all skin types and all ages. Light skin and older age are additional risk factors, especially if combined with other chronic illnesses that might be compromising your immune system. That risk is cumulative, which means that your past exposures add up and your total risk factor grows. People with darker color of skin are not immune to skin cancer. It may be identified less frequently, but we see cases of all types of it in darker skin as well. presented by Arlington Dermatology Recently, we heard about a celebrity, Jimmy Buffett dying of Merkel Skin Carcinoma. Very rare, only about 3000 cases annually in our country, it is the deadliest of all skin cancers. Like all of them, it is caused by the UV exposure to direct sun or tanning beds, but it is also connected to a virus (Epstein Barr virus) possibly causing your body immune- deficiency. It spreads to lymph nodes and other organs very aggressively. Melanoma is another deadly form of skin cancer, with very similar causes, and about 200,000 cases a year. If caught early (melanoma in situ), 95% of it is curable. However, a family history and your own prior history make your risk of developing it higher. Regular skin checks are mandatory and any signs of changes in color or shape of your moles should be brought to a doctor's attention. Squamous cell carcinoma is the third skin cancer from a perspective of risk factor. There are about 1 million cases of it annually in the US. And again, the causes are no different than the previous ones. SCC, as we call it in abbreviation, is quite common and can be easily treated. But it is not totally benign. It should be treated promptly and, if it is not, it can grow and cause more skin damage locally and even spread. And finally, almost 5.5 million cases a year in the US is diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma. Almost 80% of all skin cancer cases are BCC. Usually seen on open skin areas, face, arms, legs, scalp, but can be found anywhere. Usually, it develops slowly, and it is growing slowly, but, like all others, requires medical attention and should be treated. Fortunately, today's treatment methods are multiple and easily available in the doctor's office. Some may require small surgery; some others can be removed with one cut. In some rare cases of one of the deadliest cancers, radiation or chemotherapy may be required. But, as with any other illness, early detection and intervention are the key to a successful treatment. No patient should die from skin cancer. Please, consider the full body examination before the cold months return. Michael Bukhalo, MD Arlington Dermatology 5301 Keystone Court Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Tel. 847 392 5440 | Business Insight Skin cancer is still growing . September is a great time to have your skin checked again . Actually , any time for a full body skin examination is good , but after several sunny and hot summer months , we assume there was more exposure of your skin than ever . Also , please , do not forget that the exposure duration is connected to the daytime hours , with 11-4 being the most direct and most dangerous to your skin . Sun is not unhealthy . It helps your body create vitamin D , it also helps your skin inflammations . But sun exposure should be short in duration and outside of the peak time . Then , its benefit is higher than risk . And the risk continues to be very high , for all skin types and all ages . Light skin and older age are additional risk factors , especially if combined with other chronic illnesses that might be compromising your immune system . That risk is cumulative , which means that your past exposures add up and your total risk factor grows . People with darker color of skin are not immune to skin cancer . It may be identified less frequently , but we see cases of all types of it in darker skin as well . presented by Arlington Dermatology Recently , we heard about a celebrity , Jimmy Buffett dying of Merkel Skin Carcinoma . Very rare , only about 3000 cases annually in our country , it is the deadliest of all skin cancers . Like all of them , it is caused by the UV exposure to direct sun or tanning beds , but it is also connected to a virus ( Epstein Barr virus ) possibly causing your body immune deficiency . It spreads to lymph nodes and other organs very aggressively . Melanoma is another deadly form of skin cancer , with very similar causes , and about 200,000 cases a year . If caught early ( melanoma in situ ) , 95 % of it is curable . However , a family history and your own prior history make your risk of developing it higher . Regular skin checks are mandatory and any signs of changes in color or shape of your moles should be brought to a doctor's attention . Squamous cell carcinoma is the third skin cancer from a perspective of risk factor . There are about 1 million cases of it annually in the US . And again , the causes are no different than the previous ones . SCC , as we call it in abbreviation , is quite common and can be easily treated . But it is not totally benign . It should be treated promptly and , if it is not , it can grow and cause more skin damage locally and even spread . And finally , almost 5.5 million cases a year in the US is diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma . Almost 80 % of all skin cancer cases are BCC . Usually seen on open skin areas , face , arms , legs , scalp , but can be found anywhere . Usually , it develops slowly , and it is growing slowly , but , like all others , requires medical attention and should be treated . Fortunately , today's treatment methods are multiple and easily available in the doctor's office . Some may require small surgery ; some others can be removed with one cut . In some rare cases of one of the deadliest cancers , radiation or chemotherapy may be required . But , as with any other illness , early detection and intervention are the key to a successful treatment . No patient should die from skin cancer . Please , consider the full body examination before the cold months return . Michael Bukhalo , MD Arlington Dermatology 5301 Keystone Court Rolling Meadows , IL 60008 Tel . 847 392 5440 |