Business Insight presented by Arlington Dermatology What we have... What we wish for... Every year at Thanksgiving, I tend to write and think about all the people around me whom I feel thankful to. This year I do it too. But one more thought comes to my mind more often. Almost every day and night. Before I share it with you, I want to translate and paraphrase an old poem by a Polish poet and writer from the 15th century. It goes more or less this way: 'My noble health, nobody knows your value, until you are gone, and then, it is too late to regret! This wise and beautiful poem extends further than our own self. Yes, we should take care of our health and we should do it preventively, before we start feeling sick or experience symptoms. And yes, we should value our good health more than anything. Once we get sick or anybody in our closeness gets sick, we often become dysfunctional with all other aspects of our life. I want you to reflect further with me. Look around. We live in a free country and there are no bombs coming to the roofs. We have homes, bigger or smaller, but we have a place we call home and can sleep at night. We have food, probably more than we need; we actually waste a lot of it. We have hospitals that are open and safe. And we have jobs, more of them than we can fill. I know that some of us are less lucky in life, but truly, there is help and assistance around. I know that those who are luckier should keep less fortunate in mind, and not just for Thanksgiving, but every day. And not just in 'thoughts and prayers, but in our checkbooks as well. Giving can bring you more satisfaction than receiving and this is not just a saying from St. Francis. And it should be honest giving and not the one seeking fame and recognition. Just from the bottom of your heart to the people who are in need. We should appreciate our country, our community, our daily life before we might lose it. I realize we all complain and disagree about many issues and often, our own egos take a priority, and we seem to know better how to save the world. Well, we truly do not. Let's admit it: there is not a single person who can do it alone. If someone says that they are a liar. So, this Thanksgiving season, rather than discuss our disagreements, lets agree to say thanks for what we have: our health, our family, our country, peaceful nights, soup in the pot, daily jobs, other people around us. Let's just be thankful for it and do not ask for more. We have enough. We are very lucky. We should just be thankful. Michael Bukhalo, MD Arlington Dermatology 5301 Keystone Court Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Tel. 847 392 5440 | Business Insight presented by Arlington Dermatology What we have ... What we wish for ... Every year at Thanksgiving , I tend to write and think about all the people around me whom I feel thankful to . This year I do it too . But one more thought comes to my mind more often . Almost every day and night . Before I share it with you , I want to translate and paraphrase an old poem by a Polish poet and writer from the 15th century . It goes more or less this way : ' My noble health , nobody knows your value , until you are gone , and then , it is too late to regret ! This wise and beautiful poem extends further than our own self . Yes , we should take care of our health and we should do it preventively , before we start feeling sick or experience symptoms . And yes , we should value our good health more than anything . Once we get sick or anybody in our closeness gets sick , we often become dysfunctional with all other aspects of our life . I want you to reflect further with me . Look around . We live in a free country and there are no bombs coming to the roofs . We have homes , bigger or smaller , but we have a place we call home and can sleep at night . We have food , probably more than we need ; we actually waste a lot of it . We have hospitals that are open and safe . And we have jobs , more of them than we can fill . I know that some of us are less lucky in life , but truly , there is help and assistance around . I know that those who are luckier should keep less fortunate in mind , and not just for Thanksgiving , but every day . And not just in ' thoughts and prayers , but in our checkbooks as well . Giving can bring you more satisfaction than receiving and this is not just a saying from St. Francis . And it should be honest giving and not the one seeking fame and recognition . Just from the bottom of your heart to the people who are in need . We should appreciate our country , our community , our daily life before we might lose it . I realize we all complain and disagree about many issues and often , our own egos take a priority , and we seem to know better how to save the world . Well , we truly do not . Let's admit it : there is not a single person who can do it alone . If someone says that they are a liar . So , this Thanksgiving season , rather than discuss our disagreements , lets agree to say thanks for what we have : our health , our family , our country , peaceful nights , soup in the pot , daily jobs , other people around us . Let's just be thankful for it and do not ask for more . We have enough . We are very lucky . We should just be thankful . Michael Bukhalo , MD Arlington Dermatology 5301 Keystone Court Rolling Meadows , IL 60008 Tel . 847 392 5440 |