FEED THE NED! Packing Number Ma AL A Wa Gerald Corrs and Fred the Need Partner arith Feed My Starving Children for Annuel Community MobilehckTM Ecent Fib. 19-20 at North Centrel College in Naperville. Turn hunger into hope this February with annual Feed the Need! TM Community MobilePackTM Event Alter a two-year hiatus from each year. To date, nearly S70,000 North Central College, the Feed has been raised through the the Need! (FTN) Community Community MobilePack event. MobilePack event in support Ihe goal is to raise S240.000 by of Feed My Starving Chikdren the end of the event, enough to (FMSC) is returning to the pack over 1 million meals for campus with the goal of "turning those in need. hunger into hope on Feb. 19 and 20. Volunteers will be packing team is thankful for the caring perfectly bxalanced and nutritious volunteers from the surrounding meals for children impacted by communities, 30 faith partners malnutrition around the world and many businesses stepping in the Res/Rec Center, which up to help. We couldn't make allows for a spaced-out, masked. this event happen without and safe capacity event that will their continued support. said have a far-reaching impact. Food Bob Huebner, co-founder and packed during the two-day event business/civic group sponsor of will be distributed by 15 missions the Feed the Need! Community and humanitarian organizations MobilePack. to children in 14 countries around the world. "Ihe FIN Leadership Achieving the goal of funding so many meals requires Every year, this event makes a village - from MobilePack" a significant impact on FMSC leaders to volunteers to generous and the individuals they serve. corporate sponsors including Whether you're donating time Gerald Cares. Gerald Cares has as a volunteer or contributing been a lead sponsor of the event financially to every bit helps improve the support this year, volunteers will lives of children impacted by be able to pack 83,000 meals malnutrition. JuIst a few hours of over the course of the two-day time or a small donation during packing event. an event like this one can go a long way. For example, a $5 supporting this event every year donation to FMSC can feed 21 and seeing how the efforts of all meals to children in need and involved truly make the world a help FMSC reach their goal of better place" said Donna Lawler, feeding thousands of children Vice President of the Gerald fund meals, for overa decade. Ihanks to their "We look forward to Auto Group. There is still time to volunteer or donate to this event. To learn more about how to contribute, visit http:// feeddheneedillin.rg To learn more about Feed My Starving Children, visit https://www.fmsc.org/ To learn more about Gerald Cares, visit Fred the Neel! Community MobilelukM rvnt vturns to North Central College li. 19-20 https://geraldcares.tumblr.com. Gerald Cares www.GeraldCares.com FEED THE NED! Packing Number Ma AL A Wa Gerald Corrs and Fred the Need Partner arith Feed My Starving Children for Annuel Community MobilehckTM Ecent Fib. 19-20 at North Centrel College in Naperville. Turn hunger into hope this February with annual Feed the Need! TM Community MobilePackTM Event Alter a two-year hiatus from each year. To date, nearly S70,000 North Central College, the Feed has been raised through the the Need! (FTN) Community Community MobilePack event. MobilePack event in support Ihe goal is to raise S240.000 by of Feed My Starving Chikdren the end of the event, enough to (FMSC) is returning to the pack over 1 million meals for campus with the goal of "turning those in need. hunger into hope on Feb. 19 and 20. Volunteers will be packing team is thankful for the caring perfectly bxalanced and nutritious volunteers from the surrounding meals for children impacted by communities, 30 faith partners malnutrition around the world and many businesses stepping in the Res/Rec Center, which up to help. We couldn't make allows for a spaced-out, masked. this event happen without and safe capacity event that will their continued support. said have a far-reaching impact. Food Bob Huebner, co-founder and packed during the two-day event business/civic group sponsor of will be distributed by 15 missions the Feed the Need! Community and humanitarian organizations MobilePack. to children in 14 countries around the world. "Ihe FIN Leadership Achieving the goal of funding so many meals requires Every year, this event makes a village - from MobilePack" a significant impact on FMSC leaders to volunteers to generous and the individuals they serve. corporate sponsors including Whether you're donating time Gerald Cares. Gerald Cares has as a volunteer or contributing been a lead sponsor of the event financially to every bit helps improve the support this year, volunteers will lives of children impacted by be able to pack 83,000 meals malnutrition. JuIst a few hours of over the course of the two-day time or a small donation during packing event. an event like this one can go a long way. For example, a $5 supporting this event every year donation to FMSC can feed 21 and seeing how the efforts of all meals to children in need and involved truly make the world a help FMSC reach their goal of better place" said Donna Lawler, feeding thousands of children Vice President of the Gerald fund meals, for overa decade. Ihanks to their "We look forward to Auto Group. There is still time to volunteer or donate to this event. To learn more about how to contribute, visit http:// feeddheneedillin.rg To learn more about Feed My Starving Children, visit https://www.fmsc.org/ To learn more about Gerald Cares, visit Fred the Neel! Community MobilelukM rvnt vturns to North Central College li. 19-20 https://geraldcares.tumblr.com. Gerald Cares www.GeraldCares.com